.. include:: ../links.inc .. include:: ../buttons.inc Citation & License ================== AVNI is an open-source project with a community of contributors. .. dropdown:: List of contributors :color: info :icon: typography .. include:: ../../AUTHORS :literal: .. _cite: Citing the software ------------------- To cite specific version numbers of the software, you can use the DOIs provided by `Zenodo `_. Additionally, we request that when citing the AVNI package, you cite the AVNI Zenodo software page :footcite:`AVNI_Zenodo` and the canonical journal article reference :footcite:`MoulikEtAl2023`: .. footbibliography:: Citing other algorithms ----------------------- Depending on your research topic, it may also be appropriate to cite related method papers, some of which are listed in the documentation strings of the relevant functions or methods. All references cited in the AVNI codebase and documentation are collected in the :ref:`general_bibliography`. Open-source License ------------------- The main branch of this project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 or newer and may be installed in any platform - see the |GNU GPL| file for details; a copy is provided below for reference. Please write to `avni@globalseismology.org`_ or see our `FAQ <../overview/faq.html>`__ for more details. .. include:: ../../LICENSE :literal: .. _general_bibliography: General bibliography -------------------- Following are the references cited elsewhere in this documentation: .. include:: bibliography.md :parser: myst_parser.sphinx_