:orphan: .. include:: ../links.inc .. _install-python: Installing Python ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AVNI requires Python and several Python packages. AVNI version |version| requires Python version |min_python_version| or higher. We recommend the `Anaconda`_ distribution of Python, which comes with more than 250 scientific packages pre-bundled and includes the ``conda`` command line tool for installing new packages and managing different package sets ("environments") for different projects. To get started, follow the `installation instructions for Anaconda`_. When you are done, if you type the following commands in a command shell, you should see outputs similar to the following (assuming you installed conda to ``/home/user/anaconda3``): .. tab-set:: :class: platform-selector-tabset .. tab-item:: Linux :name: linux-manual-install .. code-block:: console $ conda --version && python --version conda 4.9.2 Python 3.7.7 :: Anaconda, Inc. $ which python /home/user/anaconda3/bin/python $ which pip /home/user/anaconda3/bin/pip .. tab-item:: macOS :name: macos-manual-install .. code-block:: console $ conda --version && python --version conda 4.9.2 Python 3.7.7 $ which python /Users/user/opt/anaconda3/bin/python $ which pip /Users/user/opt/anaconda3/bin/pip .. tab-item:: Windows :name: windows-manual-install Most of our instructions start with ``$``, which indicates that the commands are designed to be run from a ``bash`` command shell. Windows command prompts do not expose the same command-line tools as ``bash`` shells, so commands like ``which`` will not work. You can test your installation in Windows ``cmd.exe`` shells with ``where`` instead: .. code-block:: doscon > where python C:\Users\user\anaconda3\python.exe > where pip C:\Users\user\anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe .. raw:: html
.. dropdown:: If you get an error... :color: danger :icon: alert-fill .. rubric:: If you see something like: :: conda: command not found It means that your ``PATH`` variable (what the system uses to find programs) is not set properly. In a correct installation, doing:: $ echo $PATH ...:/home/user/anaconda3/bin:... Will show the Anaconda binary path (above) somewhere in the output (probably at or near the beginning), but the ``command not found`` error suggests that it is missing. On Linux or macOS, the installer should have put something like the following in your ``~/.bashrc`` or ``~/.bash_profile`` (or your ``.zprofile`` if you're using macOS Catalina or later, where the default shell is ``zsh``): .. code-block:: console # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup= ... ... # <<< conda initialize <<< If this is missing, it is possible that you are not on the same shell that was used during the installation. You can verify which shell you are on by using the command:: $ echo $SHELL If you do not find this line in the configuration file for the shell you are using (bash, zsh, tcsh, etc.), try running:: conda init in your command shell. If your shell is not ``cmd.exe`` (Windows) or ``bash`` (Linux, macOS) you will need to pass the name of the shell to the ``conda init`` command. See ``conda init --help`` for more info and supported shells. You can also consult the Anaconda documentation and search for Anaconda install tips (`Stack Overflow`_ results are often helpful) to fix these or other problems when ``conda`` does not work. .. raw:: html