avni.data.NM module#

avni.data.NM.read_rts_catalog(infile, base_units=True)[source]#

reads a mode catalog in bimary rts format

base_units: convert from native units to base units in constants

avni.data.NM.write_modes_hdf(infile, table_name, absorption_band='None')[source]#

writes an hdf5 file based on the output of getgennomo(?)

params: infile <str>: path to mode catalog produced by getgennomo table_name <str>: name of hdf5 modes table that will be written

avni.data.NM.get_mode_attribute(table, mode_type, radial_order, angular_order, attribute)[source]#

returns the eigenfrequency of a single mode

params: table <str>: path to hdf5 format modes table mode_type <str>: either “spheroidal”, “toroidal”, or “radial” radial_order <int>: radial order (ie. overtone number) angular_order <int>: angular order attribute: characteristics of a mode such as pvel,gvel,omega

returns: value: value of attribute queried

avni.data.NM.get_mode_freq(table, mode_type, radial_order, angular_order, freq_units='mhz')[source]#

returns the eigenfrequency of a single mode

params: table <str>: path to hdf5 format modes table mode_type <str>: either “spheroidal”, “toroidal”, or “radial” radial_order <int>: radial order (ie. overtone number) angular_order <int>: angular order

returns: freq: eigen frequency of the mode in freq_units