avni.models.radial_basis module#

This script/module contains routines that are used to analyze/visualize the data sets in the standard AVNI format.

class avni.models.radial_basis.Radial_basis(name, types, metadata=None)[source]#

Bases: object

A class for radial bases that defines a unique combination of parameters, their radial parameterization and any scaling that is used.


object.data - Contains the following fields that describe the radial basis. depths_in_km: depth array in km vercof: value of the bases evaluated at those depths dvercof: gradient of the bases evaluated at those depths object.metadata: Contains metadata for various calculations. name: to store a name for the radial_basis type: type of radial basis e.g. vbspl attributes: a dictionary containing variables used to define this particular type

e.g. knots for vbspl. Checked that these are defined using self.check.

property type#
property name#
property keys#
add_attribute(key, value)[source]#

Add attributes needed by the radial basis

key: string key name

value: values corresponding to the key


Checks that object contains all attributes required for evaluating a particular basis set.

eval_radial(depths_in_km, store=False)[source]#

Evaluates the radial bases at various depths.

depths_in_km: depths where the radial parameteriation needs to be evaluated.

store: store them in data