Source code for avni.api.applet_support

''' api support for web_applets. Not recommended for general use. '''
# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import *

# imports for client:
import json,requests
import pandas as pd

[docs]class App(object): ''' generic app support class ''' def __init__(self,client): self.r3dc=client return
[docs]class SW(App): ''' surface wave specific app support ''' def __init__(self,client): App.__init__(self,client) self.endpoint='/surfacewaves' return
[docs] def buildCommonData(self,args): ''' SWbuildCommonData(self,args) for SW app. builds events common to two SW data for user selections returns filename (file stored in cache) args={ 'grp_1': group 1 abbreviation 'grp_2': group 2 abbrevation 'period': period to compare at. string, e.g., '100.0' 'overtone':overtone to compare at. string, e.g., 0 'wave':wave type 'R' or 'L' 'orbit': orbit 1, 2, 3. concanenated with wave to get R1, R2, etcself. 'dat_type': 'processed' or 'raw' } selections must exist in HDF keys. ''' args['task']='buildCommonData' args['key']=self.r3dc.key return json.loads(,args,60*5))
[docs] def filterCommonData(self,args): ''' SWfilterCommonData(self,args) for SW app: args includes plotly/dash graphical selections. See avni-applets. returns filename (file stored in cache) ''' args['task']='filterCommonData' args['key']=self.r3dc.key return json.loads(,args,60*5))