Source code for avni.api.client

''' client for accessing avni api '''

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import *

# imports for client:
import json,requests
import pandas as pd
from configobj import ConfigObj
from .. import tools
import os

[docs]class Client(object): def __init__(self,api_key='',timeout=300,api_init_file=None): ''' Client class Input: ------ api_key: the api_key to use. If not set, will try to find one api_init_file: if api_key is not set, this is the absolute path of the api config file. Only needed if setApiConfig() was called with api_init_file specified. timeout: default timeout in seconds for api call. ''' self.timeout=timeout if api_key=='': self.key=self.searchForApiKey(api_init_file) else: self.key=api_key self.checkConnection() return
[docs] def checkConnection(self): ''' checks if the avni api is accessible''' self.base_url=None connected=False for url in ['','']: if connected is False: try: r = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) except: r = None if r is not None: print("avni api is live at ") print(url) self.base_url=url stats=self.checkUserStats() print(stats['message']) connected=True if self.base_url is None: print("no connection to avni api") return
[docs] def call(self,path,parameters=None,time_out=None): ''' general form for api calls, returns json as python dictionary ''' url=self.base_url+path if time_out is None: time_out=self.timeout r = requests.get(url,params=parameters,timeout=time_out) return r.json()
[docs] def checkUserStats(self): ''' checks stats for a user ''' args={'key':self.key} output=json.loads('/checkuserstats',args)) return output
[docs] def searchForApiKey(self,api_init_file=None): ''' searches for API Key Input: ------ api_init_file: the api.ini file full path. If None, will default to looking in avni/config/api.ini Output: ------- api_key: the api key. Empty string if not found ''' parser=None api_key='' if api_init_file is None: api_init_file = os.path.join(tools.get_configdir(),'api.ini') if os.path.isfile(api_init_file): parser=ConfigObj(api_init_file) api_key=parser['API']['key'] return api_key
[docs] def setApiConfig(self,api_key='',api_init_file=None): ''' builds the api.ini file Input: ------ api_key: the api key to store. Will pull from self.key if not specified. api_init_file: the file to store key (subsequents calls to api will need to specify the directory if not using the default). Default is avni/config/api.ini Output: ------- no output ''' if api_key=='': if self.key=='': msg="No api key to set! Initialize Client with api_key or " msg=msg+" call setApiConfig with api_key='APISTRING' " print(msg) else: api_key=self.key if api_init_file is None: api_init_file = os.path.join(tools.get_configdir(),'api.ini') if os.path.isfile(api_init_file): print(api_init_file+' already exists. Remove it to reset.') else: config = ConfigObj() config.filename = api_init_file config['API'] = {} config['API']['key'] = api_key config.write() print("API key stored in " + api_init_file) return