Source code for avni.api.model

''' model api class '''
# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import *

# imports for client:
import json,requests,os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from configobj import ConfigObj
from .. import tools

[docs]class Model(object): def __init__(self,client): self.r3dc=client self.endpoint='/models' return
[docs] def listModels(self,args={}): ''' Fetch a list of available models. Input parameters: ---------------- none Output: ------ result: dictionary containing list of models and model info. ''' args['key']=self.r3dc.key args['task']='listModels' ModelList=json.loads(,dict(args),60)) # attach kernel list descriptions if ModelList['call_complete']: ModelList=self.addConfigDescriptions(ModelList) return ModelList
[docs] def addConfigDescriptions(self,ModelList={}): ''' loads kernel, model descriptions from config object ''' filepath = os.path.join(tools.get_configdir(),'attributes.ini') if os.path.isfile(filepath): # get config file loaded parser=ConfigObj(filepath,unrepr=True) # compile kernel list to fetch kernel_list=[] for model in ModelList['3d']['available']: kernels=ModelList['3d']['details'][model]['kernel'] # append kernels to list for kern in kernels: if kern not in kernel_list: kernel_list.append(kern) # if model in parser['Model3D'].keys(): # ModelList['3d']['details'][model]['meta']=parser['Model3D'][model] descs={} for kern in kernel_list: if kern in parser['Kernel_Set'].keys(): descs[kern]=parser['Kernel_Set'][kern] if len(descs)>0: ModelList['kernel_list']=descs return ModelList
[docs] def evaluate_points(self,args_in={}): ''' Evaluates list of lat/lon/depth points for a given parameter ('vs') Input parameters: ---------------- args_in: dictionary of arguments: required args: 'lat': latitude in degrees 'lon': longitude in degrees 'depth': depth in km lat, lon and depth are scalars, lists or numpy arrays. arrays must be 1d, all must be the same size. optional args (default): 'model': model to use, string ('S362ANI+M') 'kernel': model to use, string ('BOX25km_PIX1X1') 'parameter': parameter to fetch, string ('vs') 'interpolated': 1/0 for interpolation with KdTree (1) model+kernel must match a model file. (see listModels() method) Output: ------ result: dictionary with scalar/list/numpy array of same size as input ''' args_in['task']='evaluate_points' args_in['key']=self.r3dc.key args=dict(args_in) return_numpy=False for arg in ['lat','lon','depth']: if isinstance(args[arg],np.ndarray): return_numpy=True args[arg]=args[arg].tolist() args[arg]=json.dumps({'vals':args[arg]}) result=json.loads(,args,5*60)) if result['call_complete']: if return_numpy: param=result['parameter'] result[param]=np.asarray(result[param]) return result
[docs] def depthProfile(self,args_in={},return_numpy=True): ''' Evaluates a depth profile centered on provided lat/lon for a given parameter ('vs') Input parameters: ---------------- args_in: dictionary of arguments: required args: 'lat': latitude in degrees 'lon': longitude in degrees lat, lon and depth are scalars optional args (default): 'N_depth': depth in km, integer (100) 'depthMin': min depth, float (0.) 'depthMax': max depth, float (2890) 'model': model to use, string ('S362ANI+M') 'kernel': model to use, string ('BOX25km_PIX1X1') 'parameter': parameter to fetch, string ('vs') 'interpolated': 1/0 for interpolation with KdTree (1) model+kernel must match a model file. (see listModels() method) Output: ------ result: dictionary with numpy array of parameter, depth ''' args_in['task']='depthProfile' args_in['key']=self.r3dc.key result=json.loads(,args_in,5*60)) if result['call_complete']: if return_numpy: param=result['parameter'] result[param]=np.asarray(result[param]) result['depth']=np.asarray(result['depth']) return result
[docs] def crossSection(self,args={}): ''' Interpolation of cross-section along a great circle path Input parameters: ---------------- args: dictionary of arguments: required args: 'lat': starting latitude in degrees, float, 'lon': starting longitude in degrees, float, 'azimuth': direction to move from starting lat/lon (degrees clockwise from North, 90=East, 270=West) 'gcdelta': great circle distance (degrees) to move along azimuth optional args (default): 'model': model to use, string ('S362ANI+M') 'kernel': model to use, string ('BOX25km_PIX1X1') 'parameter': parameter to fetch, string ('vs') 'interpolated': 1/0 for interpolation with KdTree (1) 'quickInterp': 1/0 for quick interpolation (0) 'includeTopo': 1/0 for incuding topography along transect (0) model+kernel must match a model file. (see listModels() method) Output: ------ result: dictionary of results, including numpy arrays if args['parameter']='vs', result={'parameter':string with parameter name, e.g., 'vs' 'vs': 2d numpy array, 'depth': 1d array,depth in km, 'lat': 1d array, latitude of surface points, 'lon': 1d array, longitude of surface points, 'theta': 1d array, angular distance along transect [degrees] 'topo': 1d array, topography along transect if includeTopo } ''' args['task']='crossSection' args['key']=self.r3dc.key json_load = json.loads(,dict(args),5*60)) if json_load['call_complete']: results={} not_arrays=['parameter','call_complete','topo'] for keyn in json_load.keys(): if keyn not in not_arrays: results[keyn]=np.asarray(json_load[keyn]) else: results[keyn]=json_load[keyn] # calculate angular coord (distance along path) Nlatlon=results['lat'].size results['theta']=np.linspace(0,args['gcdelta'],Nlatlon) # adjust topo if 'topo' in results.keys() and type(results['topo'])==type(dict()): goodTopo=True for fld in ['z','lat','lon']: if fld in results['topo'].keys(): results['topo'][fld]=np.array(results['topo'][fld]) else: goodTopo=False if goodTopo: Ntopo=len(results['topo']['z']) results['topo']['theta']=np.linspace(0,args['gcdelta'],Ntopo) else: results=json_load return results
[docs] def fixedDepth(self,args={}): ''' Interpolation at a fixed depth. Input parameters: ---------------- args: dictionary of arguments: required args: 'depth': the constant depth to use in km optional args: 'lat1': starting latitude in degrees, float (-90.) 'lon1': starting longitude in degrees, float (0.) 'lat2': end latitude in degrees, float (90.) 'lon2': end longitude in degrees, float (360.) if using any of the optional above args, you must use all of them. The result will be values in a grid formed by taking start and end coordinates are the opposing points of a box with the vertex coordinates (lat2,lon1), (lat2,lon2), (lat1,lon1), (lat1,lon2). If not specifying coordinates, will extract values at a fixed depth for the whole earth. 'Nlat': number of latitude points to extract, int (100) 'Nlon': number of longitude points to extract, int (200) 'model': model to use, string ('S362ANI+M') 'kernel': model to use, string ('BOX25km_PIX1X1') 'parameter': parameter to fetch, string ('vs') 'interpolated': 1/0 for interpolation with KdTree (1) 'quickInterp': 1/0 for quick interpolation (0) model+kernel must match a model file. (see listModels() method) Output: ------ result: dictionary of results, including numpy arrays if args['parameter']='vs', result={'parameter':string with parameter name, e.g., 'vs' 'vs': 2d numpy array with shape (len(lat),len(lon)), 'lat': 1d array, latitude 'lon': 1d array, longitude } ''' args['task']='fixeddepth' args['key']=self.r3dc.key json_load = json.loads(,dict(args),5*60)) results={} # convert the results to np arrays param=json_load['parameter'] for fld in [param,'lat','lon']: results[fld]=np.array(json_load[fld]) # copy over some of the other returns results['parameter']=param results['input_args']=json_load['input_args'] return results