Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

#####################  IMPORT STANDARD MODULES   ######################################

import os
import sys
import glob
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: unicode = str

####################### IMPORT AVNI LIBRARIES  #######################################

from .common import update_file
from ..f2py import loadnbn2memory, getcmtbyname

####################       I/O ROUTINES     ######################################
[docs]def update_gcmt_nbn(standard='allorder.nbn',quick='qcmt.nbn'): """Updates the NBN file containing moment tensors from the Global CMT Project. Input parameters: ---------------- standard : file used in the standard catalogs of published CMTs quick : file containing quick and unpublished CMTs from recent earthquakes """ file_standard_gcmt = update_file(standard) file_quick_gcmt = update_file(quick) return file_standard_gcmt,file_quick_gcmt
[docs]def load_gcmt_nbn(choice=1, standard='allorder.nbn',quick='qcmt.nbn'): """Updates the NBN file containing moment tensors from the Global CMT Project. Input parameters: ---------------- choice: 1 for both standard/quick (default), 2 for standard, 3 for quick standard : file used in the standard catalogs of published CMTs quick : file containing quick and unpublished CMTs from recent earthquakes """ file_standard_gcmt,file_quick_gcmt = update_gcmt_nbn(standard=standard,quick=quick) nread,ierror = loadnbn2memory(choice,file_standard_gcmt,file_quick_gcmt) if ierror != 0: raise IOError('Could not read nbn files from the Global CMT catalog') return nread
[docs]def get_gcmt_info(cmtname, prefixes=['J','C']): """Updates the NBN file containing moment tensors from the Global CMT Project. Input parameters: ---------------- cmtname : CMTNAME of the earthquake in the Global CMT catalog. prefix : Some prefixes that are also checked if cmtname is not found. Output: ---------------- time : time of earthquake in datetime format, precision to microsecond elat, elon, edep : latitude, longitude and depth of earthquake Mw : Moment magnitude of earthquake ievt : event index """ ievt,iyear,month,iday,ihour,minute,fsec, \ elat,elon,edep,Mw,ierror = getcmtbyname(cmtname) icount=0 while ierror != 0 and icount < len(prefixes): prefix = prefixes[icount] ievt,iyear,month,iday,ihour,minute,fsec, \ elat,elon,edep,Mw,ierror = getcmtbyname(prefix+cmtname) icount += 1 if ierror != 0: raise IOError('No earthquakes found in Global CMT catalog in getcmtdate for '+cmtname) else: time = datetime(iyear,month,iday,ihour,minute, \ int(fsec),microsecond=int((fsec-int(fsec))*1000000)) return time,elat,elon,edep,Mw,ievt