Source code for avni.mapping.spherical

#!/usr/bin/env python

#####################  IMPORT STANDARD MODULES   #########################

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import float,int

import numpy as np #for numerical analysis
import typing as tp

####################### IMPORT AVNI LIBRARIES  ###########################

from import convert2nparray
from .. import constants


[docs]def intersection(path1start: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray], path1brngEnd: tp.Union[float,int,list,np.ndarray], path2start: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray], path2brngEnd: tp.Union[float,int,list,np.ndarray]): """Get the intersection of two great circle paths. Input can either be point and bearings or two sets of points. If c1 & c2 are great circles through start and end points (or defined by start point + bearing), then candidate intersections are simply c1 X c2 & c2 x c1 most of the work is deciding correct intersection point to select! If bearing is given, that determines which intersection, if both paths are defined by start/end points, take closer intersection Parameters ---------- path1start : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] Location of start point of the first curve in [latitude, longitude] path1brngEnd : tp.Union[float,int,list,np.ndarray] End point of first curve either in terms of a bearing (float/int) or location [latitude, longitude] path2start : tp.Union[float,int,list,np.ndarray] Location of start point of the second curve in [latitude, longitude] path2brngEnd : tp.Union[float,int,list,np.ndarray] End point of second curve either in terms of a bearing (float/int) or location [latitude, longitude] Returns ------- intersection Preferred intersection of the two curves based on the input antipode Antipode of the intersection where the great-circle curves meet as well :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # find out what the types are # c1 & c2 are vectors defining great circles through start & end points # p X c gives initial bearing vector if isinstance(path1brngEnd, (float,int)): path1def = 'bearing' # path 1 defined by endpoint p1end = spher2cart(getDestination(path1start[0],path1start[1],path1brngEnd,180.)) else: path1def = 'endpoint' #path 1 defined by initial bearing p1end = path1brngEnd if isinstance(path2brngEnd, (float,int)): path2def = 'bearing' p2end = spher2cart(getDestination(path2start[0],path2start[1],path2brngEnd,180.)) else: path2def = 'endpoint' p2end = path2brngEnd case = path1def + '+' + path2def # convert to spherical coordinates p1 = spher2cart(path1start) p2 = spher2cart(path2start) # Get normal to planes containing great circles # np.cross product of vector to each point from the origin N1 = np.cross(p1, p1end) N2 = np.cross(p2, p2end) # Find line of intersection between two planes L = np.cross(N1, N2) # Find two intersection points X1 = L / np.sqrt(L[0]**2 + L[1]**2 + L[2]**2) X2 = -X1 #Check if correct if np.any(np.isnan(X1)): raise ValueError('not found an intersection point between ',path1start,' with azimuth ',path1brngEnd,' and ', path2start, ' with azimuth ',path2brngEnd) # convert back to spherical i1 = cart2spher(X1)[1:] i2 = cart2spher(X2)[1:] # selection of intersection point depends on # how paths are defined (bearings or endpoints) if case == 'bearing+bearing': #if NXp1.i1 is +ve, the initial bearing is towards i1 # otherwise towards antipodal i2 dir1 = np.sign(,p1),X1)) #c1Xp1.X1 +ve means p1 bearing points to X1 dir2 = np.sign(,p2),X1)) #c2Xp2.X1 +ve means p2 bearing points to X1 if dir1 + dir2 == 2: # dir1, dir2 both +ve, 1 & 2 both pointing to X1 intersect = i1 antipode = i2 elif dir1 + dir2 == -2: #dir1, dir2 both -ve, 1 & 2 both pointing to X2 intersect = i2 antipode = i1 elif dir1 + dir2 == 0: # dir1, dir2 opposite; intersection is at further-away intersection point # take opposite intersection from mid-point of p1 & p2 [is this always true?] if,X1) > 0 : intersect = i2 antipode = i1 else: intersect = i1 antipode = i2 elif case == 'bearing+endpoint': #use bearing c1 X p1 dir1 = np.sign(,p1),X1)) #c1Xp1.X1 +ve means p1 bearing points to X1 if dir1 > 0: intersect = i1 antipode = i2 else: intersect = i2 antipode = i1 elif case == 'endpoint+bearing': #use bearing c2 X p2 dir2 = np.sign(,p2),X1)) #c2Xp2.X1 +ve means p2 bearing points to X1 if dir2 > 0: intersect = i1 antipode = i2 else: intersect = i2 antipode = i1 elif case == 'endpoint+endpoint': #select nearest intersection to mid-point of all points mid = p1+p2+p1end+p2end if,X1) > 0 : intersect = i1 antipode = i2 else: intersect = i2 antipode = i1 ## Attempted with pygeodesy. Has issues for certain configurations. # if path1start[1] > 180.: path1start[1] = path1start[1] -360. # path1start = LatLon(path1start[0],path1start[1]) # if path2start[1] > 180.: path2start[1] = path2start[1] -360. # path2start = LatLon(path2start[0],path2start[1]) # # find out what the types are # # c1 & c2 are vectors defining great circles through start & end points # # p X c gives initial bearing vector # if isinstance(path1brngEnd, (float,int)): # path1def = 'bearing' # path 1 defined by endpoint # else: # path1def = 'endpoint' #path 1 defined by initial bearing # if path1brngEnd[1] > 180.: path1brngEnd[1] = path1brngEnd[1] -360. # path1brngEnd = LatLon(path1brngEnd[0],path1brngEnd[1]) # if isinstance(path2brngEnd, (float,int)): # path2def = 'bearing' # else: # path2def = 'endpoint' # if path2brngEnd[1] > 180.: path2brngEnd[1] = path2brngEnd[1] -360. # path2brngEnd = LatLon(path2brngEnd[0],path2brngEnd[1]) # intersect = path1start.intersection(path1brngEnd, path2start, path2brngEnd) return intersect,antipode
[docs]def midpoint(lat1: tp.Union[int,float], lon1: tp.Union[int,float], lat2: tp.Union[int,float], lon2: tp.Union[int,float]): """Get the mid-point from positions in geographic coordinates. Input values as degrees""" from pygeodesy.sphericalNvector import LatLon if lon1 > 180.: lon1 = lon1 - 360. if lon2 > 180.: lon2 = lon2 - 360. start = LatLon(lat1,lon1) end = LatLon(lat2,lon2) mid = start.midpointTo(end) return [, mid.lon]
[docs]def cart2spher(xyz: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert from cartesian to spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- xyz : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] Data containing columns for x,y,z locations in cartesian coordinates Returns ------- np.ndarray Output containing radius, latitude and longitude in spherical coordinates :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ xyz = convert2nparray(xyz) rlatlon = np.zeros(xyz.shape) if xyz.ndim == 2: xy = xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2 rlatlon[:,0] = np.sqrt(xy + xyz[:,2]**2) # ptsnew[:,4] = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(xy), xyz[:,2]) # for elevation angle defined from Z-axis down #ptsnew[:,4] = np.arctan2(xyz[:,2], np.sqrt(xy)) # for elevation angle defined from XY-plane up rlatlon[:,1] = np.arctan2(xyz[:,2], np.sqrt(xy))/np.pi*180. # latitude rlatlon[:,2] = np.arctan2(xyz[:,1], xyz[:,0])/np.pi*180. elif xyz.ndim == 1: xy = xyz[0]**2 + xyz[1]**2 rlatlon[0] = np.sqrt(xy + xyz[2]**2) rlatlon[1] = np.arctan2(xyz[2], np.sqrt(xy))/np.pi*180. # latitude rlatlon[2] = np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0])/np.pi*180. else: raise ValueError('dimension of xyz should be 1 or 2') return rlatlon
[docs]def spher2cart(rlatlon: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- rlatlon : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] Data containing columns for x,y,z locations in spherical coordinates Returns ------- np.ndarray Output containing x,y,z in spherical coordinates :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ rlatlon = convert2nparray(rlatlon) xyz = np.zeros(rlatlon.shape) if rlatlon.ndim == 2: # assumes unit sphere if r is not provided if rlatlon.shape[1] == 2: rlatlon = np.insert(rlatlon,0,1.,axis=1) colatitude=90.-rlatlon[:,1] xyz[:,0] = rlatlon[:,0]*np.cos(np.pi/180.*rlatlon[:,2])*np.sin(np.pi/180.*colatitude) xyz[:,1] = rlatlon[:,0]*np.sin(np.pi/180.*rlatlon[:,2])*np.sin(np.pi/180.*colatitude) xyz[:,2] = rlatlon[:,0]*np.cos(np.pi/180.*colatitude) elif rlatlon.ndim == 1: # assumes unit sphere if r is not provided if len(rlatlon) == 2: rlatlon = np.insert(rlatlon,0,1.) colatitude=90.-rlatlon[1] xyz[0] = rlatlon[0]*np.cos(np.pi/180.*rlatlon[2])*np.sin(np.pi/180.*colatitude) xyz[1] = rlatlon[0]*np.sin(np.pi/180.*rlatlon[2])*np.sin(np.pi/180.*colatitude) xyz[2] = rlatlon[0]*np.cos(np.pi/180.*colatitude) else: raise ValueError('dimension of rlatlon should be 1 or 2') return xyz
[docs]def polar2cart(rtheta: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert from polar to cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- rtheta : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] A single r,theta or an array of these for conversion Returns ------- np.ndarray Output containing x,y in cartesian coordinates :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ rtheta = convert2nparray(rtheta) xy = np.zeros(rtheta.shape) if rtheta.ndim == 2: xy[:,0] = rtheta[:,0]*np.cos(np.pi/180.*rtheta[:,1]) xy[:,1] = rtheta[:,0]*np.sin(np.pi/180.*rtheta[:,1]) elif rtheta.ndim == 1: xy[0] = rtheta[0]*np.cos(np.pi/180.*rtheta[1]) xy[1] = rtheta[0]*np.sin(np.pi/180.*rtheta[1]) else: raise ValueError('dimension of rtheta should be 1 or 2') return xy
[docs]def cart2polar(xy: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert from polar to cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- xy : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] A single x,y or an array of these ffor conversion Returns ------- np.ndarray Output containing r,theta in polar coordinates :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ xy = convert2nparray(xy) rtheta = np.zeros(xy.shape) if xy.ndim == 2: rtheta[:,0] = np.sqrt(np.power(xy[:,1],2)+np.power(xy[:,1],2)) rtheta[:,1] = np.arctan2(xy[:,1],xy[:,0]) * 180 / np.pi elif xy.ndim == 1: rtheta[0] = np.sqrt(np.power(xy[1],2)+np.power(xy[1],2)) rtheta[1] = np.arctan2(xy[1],xy[0]) * 180 / np.pi else: raise ValueError('dimension of xy should be 1 or 2') return rtheta
[docs]def getDestination(lat: tp.Union[int,float],lon: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float], distance) -> list: """Returns the location of destination point given the start lat, long, aziuth, and distance (in meters). Parameters ---------- lat, lon : tp.Union[int,float] Start point latitude and longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to destination distance Distance to destination (in meters) Returns ------- list List containing latitude and longitude of destination point """ '''''' from pygeodesy.sphericalNvector import LatLon R = constants.R.to_base_units().magnitude #Radius of the Earth in m if not isinstance(distance, (float,int)): distance = distance.to_base_units().magnitude #Distance m if lon > 180.: lon = lon -360. start = LatLon(lat,lon) end = start.destination(distance,azimuth,R) return[, end.lon]
[docs]def calculateBearing(lat1: tp.Union[int,float], lon1: tp.Union[int,float], lat2: tp.Union[int,float], lon2: tp.Union[int,float]): """Calculates the azimuth in degrees from start point to end point. Parameters ---------- lat1,lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Start point latitude and longitude lat2,lon2 : tp.Union[int,float] End point latitude and longitude Returns ------- bearing Bearing to second point :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ from pygeodesy.sphericalNvector import LatLon if lon1 > 180.: lon1 = lon1 -360. start = LatLon(lat1,lon1) if lon2 > 180.: lon2 = lon2 -360. end = LatLon(lat2,lon2) bearing = start.initialBearingTo(end) return bearing
[docs]def getIntermediate(lat1: tp.Union[int,float],lon1: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float],distance: tp.Union[int,float], interval: tp.Union[int,float]) -> list: """Returns intermediate coordinates between two coordinate pairs given a desired interval Parameters ---------- lat1,lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Start point latitude and longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to destination distance Distance to destination (in meters) interval : tp.Union[int,float] Interval for intermediate points (in meters) Returns ------- list Coordinates (lat,lon) of intermdiate points """ if lon1 > 180.: lon1 = lon1 -360. steps = int(distance / interval) coords = [] coords.append([lat1,lon1]) for step in np.arange(steps): counter = float(interval) * float(step+1) coord = getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,counter) coords.append(coord) return coords
[docs]def calculateDistance(lat1: tp.Union[int,float],lon1: tp.Union[int,float], lat2: tp.Union[int,float],lon2: tp.Union[int,float], final_units='m') -> float: """Calculates distance between two coordinates Parameters ---------- lat1,lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Start point latitude and longitude lat2,lon2 : tp.Union[int,float] End point latitude and longitude final_units : str, optional Output distance in km/m/deg, by default 'm' Returns ------- float Distance between coordinate pairs in m, km or deg """ from pygeodesy.sphericalNvector import LatLon if lon1 > 180.: lon1 = lon1 -360. if lon2 > 180.: lon2 = lon2 -360. start = LatLon(lat1,lon1) end = LatLon(lat2,lon2) dist = start.distanceTo(end) if final_units=='m': return dist elif final_units=='km': gcdist = dist / 1000. return gcdist elif final_units=='deg': gcdist = dist / constants.deg2m return gcdist else: raise ValueError('Final units need to be m, km or deg')