Source code for avni.models.lateral_basis

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This script/module contains routines that are used to analyze/visualize the data sets
in the standard AVNI format."""

#####################  IMPORT STANDARD MODULES   ######################################
# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import numpy as np #for numerical analysis

####################### IMPORT AVNI LIBRARIES  #######################################
from .. import tools
# Horizontal basis parameter class that defines an unique combination of parameters, their lateral parameterization

[docs]class Lateral_basis(object): ''' A class for radial bases that defines a unique combination of parameters, their radial parameterization and any scaling that is used. ''' ######################### magic ########################## def __init__(self, name, types, metadata = None): """ types : 'epix','ylm','sh','wavelet','slepians' """ = {} self._name = name self._type = types if metadata is None: self.metadata = {} else: self.metadata = metadata def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other,Lateral_basis): return False # convert to array to allow multiple lateral bases to be compared result = np.ones_like(other, dtype=bool) # check if the instances have all required metadata self.check() try: other.check() except AttributeError: # if either is not this class instance return False # check type if self._type != other._type: return False # check all keys for key in self.keys: if not np.array_equal(self[key],other.metadata[key]): return False # assume equal otherwise return True def __repr__(self): return '{self.__class__.__name__}({self._name})'.format(self=self) def __getitem__(self,key): """returns metadata from key""" return self.metadata[key] def __setitem__(self,key,data): """sets data to key""" self.metadata[key] = data ######################### decorators ########################## @property def type(self): return self._type @property def name(self): return self._name @property def keys(self): return self.metadata.keys() ######################### methods #############################
[docs] def check(self): """ Checks that object contains all attributes required for evaluating a particular basis set. """ if self._type == 'SPHERICAL SPLINES': for key in ['xlaspl','xlospl','xraspl']: try: knots = self[key] except KeyError: print('Current attributes : ',self.keys) raise KeyError('Attribute '+key+' missing for lateral basis type '+self._type) elif self._type == 'SPHERICAL HARMONICS': for key in ['lmaxhor']: try: knots = self[key] except KeyError: print('Current attributes : ',self.keys) raise KeyError('Attribute '+key+' missing for lateral basis type '+self._type) elif self._type == 'PIXELS': for key in ['xlapix','xlopix','xsipix']: try: knots = self[key] except KeyError: print('Current attributes : ',self.keys) raise KeyError('Attribute '+key+' missing for lateral basis type '+self._type) else: raise NotImplementedError(self._type+' has not been implemented in lateral_basis.') return
[docs] def addtypes(self, names, types): """ types = ['ylm','sh','wavelet','slepians'] """ # check the type if len(names) !=len(types): raise ValueError("len(names) !=len(types)") if isinstance(types,string_types): types = np.array(types) for ii in np.arange(types.size): # if does not exist already`or not the same as self type if types[ii] not in self.proj.keys() and types[ii] != self['type']: self.proj[types[ii]] = {} self.proj[types[ii]][to_name[ii]] = {'data':None,'attributes':{}}
[docs] def eval_lateral(self,lat,lon,store=False): """ Evaluate radial basis at a depth interpolated from existing projection matrices. """ if self._type == 'SPHERICAL SPLINES': horcof = tools.eval_splcon(lat,lon,self['xlaspl'],self['xlospl'],self['xraspl']) elif self._type == 'SPHERICAL HARMONICS': horcof = tools.eval_ylm(lat,lon, self['lmaxhor']) elif self._type == 'PIXELS': horcof = tools.eval_pixel(lat,lon, self['xlapix'],self['xlopix'],self['xsipix']) else: raise NotImplementedError(self._type+' has not been implemented in lateral_basis.eval_lateral') if store:['latitude'] = lat['longitude'] = lon['horcof'] = horcof else: return horcof