Source code for avni.plots.common

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module contains the various subroutines used for plotting

#####################  IMPORT STANDARD MODULES   #########################

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import *

import os
import numpy as np #for numerical analysis
import as cmx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import colorsys
import traceback
import typing as tp

####################### IMPORT AVNI LIBRARIES  ###########################

from .. import tools
from .. import data
from .. import constants


[docs]def updatefont(fontsize: int = 15, fontname: str = 'sans-serif', ax = None): """Updates the font type and sizes globally or for a particular axis handle Parameters ---------- fontsize : int, optional Size of font, by default 15 fontname : str, optional Name of font, by default 'sans-serif' ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes handle, by default None Returns ------- ax Updated axes handle if ax is not None :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if ax is None: plt.rcParams[""] = fontname plt.rcParams["font.size"] = fontsize else: for item in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(fontsize) item.set_fontname(fontname) for item in ([ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label]): item.set_fontsize(fontsize+2) item.set_fontname(fontname) ax.title.set_fontsize(fontsize+3) ax.title.set_fontname(fontname) return ax if ax is not None else None
[docs]def initializecolor(name: str, **kwargs): """Initialize a color palette instance. This can be from standard Python palettes (e.g. jet), those in :py:func:`constants` or downloadable from server. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of color palette. Can have `_r` appended to standard ones for reversed color scales e.g. `jet_r`. **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- cpalette Output color palette :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ success1 = True; success2 = True; success3 = True # assume colorscale is read somehow try: cpalette = plt.get_cmap(name) except ValueError: success1 = False var1 = traceback.format_exc() try: # try getting color palette from standard ones in cpalette = standardcolorpalette(name) except KeyError: success2 = False var2 = traceback.format_exc() try: if kwargs: cpalette = customcolorpalette(name,**kwargs) else: cpalette = customcolorpalette(name) except: success3 = False print('######### Tried reading as standard Python palette ##########') print(var1) print('######### Tried reading as ones from ##########') print(var2) print('############ Tried downloading from server ############') print(traceback.format_exc()) if not success1 and not success2 and not success3: raise IOError('unable to read color palette '+name+' from standard Python, or downloadable from server.') return cpalette
[docs]def standardcolorpalette(name: str = 'avni'): """Register a custom AVNI color palette from :py:func:`constants` Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Color palette name that will be used elsewhere, by default 'avni'. If name ends in '_r', uses the reversed color scale Returns ------- cpalette Output color palette :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if name.endswith('_r'): RGBoption = name.split('_r')[0] RGBlist=constants.colorscale[RGBoption]['RGB'][::-1] else: RGBoption = name RGBlist=constants.colorscale[RGBoption]['RGB'] custom_cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, RGBlist,N=len(RGBlist)) cmx.register_cmap(, cmap=custom_cmap) return custom_cmap
[docs]def get_colors(val: float, xmin: float = -1.,xmax: float = 1.,palette: str = 'coolwarm',colorcontour: int = 20) -> tuple: """Gets the value of color for a given palette Parameters ---------- val : float Value to query xmin : float, optional Minimum value or the color scale, by default -1. xmax : float, optional Maximum value or the color scale, by default 1. palette : str, optional Color palette to query, by default 'coolwarm' colorcontour : int, optional Number of color contours to use in dividing up the color palette, by default 20 Returns ------- tuple Tuple of (r, g, b, a) scalars. :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ cm = cmx.get_cmap(palette) #cNorm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=xmin, vmax=xmax) bounds = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,colorcontour+1) cNorm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(bounds,cm.N) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=palette) colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(val) return colorVal
[docs]def grayify_cmap(cmap): """Return a grayscale version of the colormap Parameters ---------- cmap Input color palette Returns ------- cpalette Output color palette :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ cmap = cmx.get_cmap(cmap) colors = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) # convert RGBA to perceived greyscale luminance # cf. RGB_weight = [0.299, 0.587, 0.114] luminance = np.sqrt([:, :3] ** 2, RGB_weight)) colors[:, :3] = luminance[:, np.newaxis] return cmap.from_list( + "_gray", colors, cmap.N)
[docs]def make_colormap(seq, name: str = 'CustomMap'): """Return a LinearSegmentedColormap for a sequence of colors Parameters ---------- seq A sequence of floats and RGB-tuples. The floats should be increasing and in the interval (0,1). name : str, optional Name to give to this color palette, by default 'CustomMap' Returns ------- cpalette Output color palette :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ seq = [(None,) * 3, 0.0] + list(seq) + [1.0, (None,) * 3] cdict = {'red': [], 'green': [], 'blue': []} for i, item in enumerate(seq): if isinstance(item, float): r1, g1, b1 = seq[i - 1] r2, g2, b2 = seq[i + 1] cdict['red'].append([item, r1, r2]) cdict['green'].append([item, g1, g2]) cdict['blue'].append([item, b1, b2]) return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)
[docs]def getcolorlist(cptfile: str,type='avni') -> list: """Get a list of color tuples from a color palette (.cpt) file Parameters ---------- cptfile : str A color palette file type : str, optional Either avni format or standard per GMT project, by default 'avni' Returns ------- list A list of colors tuples (r, g, b) :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if not os.path.isfile(cptfile): raise IOError("File ("+cptfile+") does not exist.") colorlist=[] # if it is the format in the AVNI project if type=='avni': cptarr=np.genfromtxt(cptfile, dtype=None,comments="#") for irow in np.arange(len(cptarr)): tups=cptarr[irow][1]/255.,cptarr[irow][2]/255.,cptarr[irow][3]/255. val=(cptarr[irow][4]-cptarr[0][4])/(cptarr[len(cptarr)-1][0]-cptarr[0][4]) if irow==1: colorlist.append(tups) elif irow > 1 and irow < len(cptarr)-1: colorlist.append(tups) colorlist.append(val) colorlist.append(tups) # if it is the standard format in the GMT project elif type=='standard': colorlist = readstandardcpt(cptfile) else: raise ValueError('Only avni and standard options are allowed') return colorlist
[docs]def readstandardcpt(cptfile: str) -> list: """Read a GMT color map from a color palette (.cpt) file Parameters ---------- cptfile : str color palette file Returns ------- list A list of colors tuples (r, g, b) :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if not os.path.isfile(cptfile): raise IOError("File ("+cptfile+") does not exist.") # process file x = []; r = []; g = []; b = [] lastls = None fo = open(cptfile, "r") cptlines = fo.readlines() colorlist = [] for l in cptlines: ls = l.split() # skip empty lines if not ls: continue # parse header info if ls[0] in ["#", b"#"]: if ls[-1] in ["HSV", b"HSV"]: colorModel = "HSV" else: colorModel = "RGB" continue # skip BFN info if ls[0] in ["B", b"B", "F", b"F", "N", b"N"]: continue # parse color vectors x.append(float(ls[0])) r.append(float(ls[1])) g.append(float(ls[2])) b.append(float(ls[3])) # save last row lastls = ls x.append(float(lastls[4])) r.append(float(lastls[5])) g.append(float(lastls[6])) b.append(float(lastls[7])) if colorModel == "HSV": for i in range(len(r)): # convert HSV to RGB rr,gg,bb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(r[i]/360., g[i], b[i]) r[i] = rr ; g[i] = gg ; b[i] = bb elif colorModel == "RGB": r = [val/255. for val in r] g = [val/255. for val in g] b = [val/255. for val in b] x = np.array(x) xNorm = (x - x[0])/(x[-1] - x[0]) for i in range(len(x)): tups=r[i],g[i],b[i] colorlist.append(tups) colorlist.append(xNorm[i]) colorlist.append(tups) # Close opend file fo.close() # return colormap return colorlist
[docs]def customcolorpalette(name: str = 'bk', cptfolder: tp.Union[None, str] = None, colormax: float = 2., middlelimit: float = 0.5, ifgraytest: int = 0): """Used to return preset color palettes from :py:func:`constants.cptfolder` Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the color palette, by default 'bk' cptfolder : tp.Union[None, str], optional Location of the color palette (.cpt) files, by default None so uses :py:func:`constants.cptfolder` colormax : float, optional Limits of the colorbar (-colormax,colormax), by default 2. middlelimit : float, optional Limit to which the middle color (e.g. grey) will extend on either side of color mid point, by default 0.5 ifgraytest : int, optional Tests how the figure looks in gray scale, by default 0 Returns ------- cpalette Output color palette :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the directory location where CPT files are kep if cptfolder is None: cptfolder = tools.get_filedir(subdirectory=constants.cptfolder) # Get the rgb colors c = mcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb if name=='r_lgrey_b': colorlist=[c('blue'), c('lightgray'), (2.*colormax-2.*middlelimit)/(4.*colormax), c('lightgray'),c('lightgray'), (2.*colormax+2.*middlelimit)/(4.*colormax), c('lightgray'),c('red'), 1., c('red')] else: # These are standard files available from the CPT folder if name=='bk': file = 'bk1_0.cpt_' type = 'avni' elif name=='hit1': file = 'hit1.cpt_' type = 'avni' elif name=='yuguinv': file = '' type = 'avni' else: file = name+'.cpt' type = 'standard' # Download file if possible cptfile = os.path.join(cptfolder,file) try: colorlist=getcolorlist(cptfile,type=type) except IOError: #Download to default directory success = False if type =='avni': _,success = data.update_file(file,subdirectory=constants.cptfolder) if not success: ValueError("Could not find file "+cptfile) colorlist=getcolorlist(cptfile,type=type) if colorlist is None: raise ValueError("No colorlist found") custom_cmap = make_colormap(colorlist,name) cmx.register_cmap(, cmap=custom_cmap) if ifgraytest==1: palette=grayify_cmap(palette) return custom_cmap