Source code for avni.plots.models

#!/usr/bin/env python

#####################  IMPORT STANDARD MODULES   #########################

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import int,float

import os
import numpy as np #for numerical analysis
#import as cmx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter)
from matplotlib.colors import LightSource
#from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter,
#                               AutoMinorLocator)
#import multiprocessing
#from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# from import netcdf_file as netcdf #reading netcdf files
import scipy.interpolate as spint
from scipy.sparse import issparse
#import itertools
#import time
import xarray as xr
from six import string_types # to check if variable is string using isinstance
# For polar sectionplot
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
import mpl_toolkits.axisartist.floating_axes as floating_axes
#import mpl_toolkits.axisartist.angle_helper as angle_helper
from matplotlib.projections import PolarAxes
#from mpl_toolkits.axisartist.grid_finder import MaxNLocator,DictFormatter,FixedLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axisartist.grid_finder import DictFormatter,FixedLocator
from matplotlib import gridspec # Relative size of subplots
import pandas as pd
import typing as tp
import pdb

####################### IMPORT AVNI LIBRARIES  ###########################

from .. import mapping
from .. import tools
from .. import data
from .. import constants
from .common import initializecolor,updatefont


[docs]def plot_gcpaths(m, stlon: tp.Union[float,np.ndarray],stlat: tp.Union[float,np.ndarray], eplon: tp.Union[float,np.ndarray],eplat: tp.Union[float,np.ndarray], ifglobal: bool = False,**kwargs): """Plots great-circle paths from longitude and latitude arrays. Parameters ---------- m An instance of `mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class stlon : tp.Union[float,np.ndarray] Longitudes of station location(s) stlat : tp.Union[float,np.ndarray] Latitudes of station location(s) eplon : tp.Union[float,np.ndarray] Longitudes of station location(s) eplat : tp.Union[float,np.ndarray] Latitudes of station location(s) ifglobal : bool, optional Set extent to be global, by default False **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- m Updated instance of `mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if kwargs: m.drawgreatcircle(eplon,eplat,stlon,stlat, **kwargs) m.scatter(stlon, stlat, marker='^',edgecolors='k', **kwargs) m.scatter(eplon, eplat, marker='o',edgecolors='k', **kwargs) else: m.drawgreatcircle(eplon,eplat,stlon,stlat) m.scatter(stlon, stlat, marker='^', edgecolors='k') m.scatter(eplon, eplat, marker='o', edgecolors='k') m.coastlines(color='gray') if ifglobal: m.set_global() # set global extent return m
[docs]def plot_hotspots(m, dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, lon360: bool = False, **kwargs): """Reads hotspots.pkl from `dbs_path` and plots on to map instance Earlier, the data was in pickle format, cross-platform compatibility required json # hotspots = pickle.load(open('%s/hotspots.pkl' % (dbs_path), 'rb')) # tools.writejson(hotspots,'%s/hotspots.json' % (dbs_path)) Parameters ---------- m An instance of `mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional path specified by user where hotspots.json is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the file from the AVNI server, by default None lon360 : bool, optional False if the no longitude above 180 is permitted and is wrapped around, by default False **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- m Updated instance of `mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the correct path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = os.path.join(tools.get_filedir(),constants.dbsfolder) try: hotspots = tools.readjson('%s/hotspots.json' % (dbs_path)) except IOError: #Download to default directory success = False _,success = data.update_file('hotspots.json', subdirectory=constants.dbsfolder) if not success: ValueError("Could not find file hotspots.json") hotspots = tools.readjson('%s/hotspots.json' % (dbs_path)) if lon360: hotspots[:,0] = (hotspots[:,0] + 360) % 360.0 x, y = m(hotspots[:,0], hotspots[:,1]) if kwargs: m.scatter(x, y, **kwargs) else: m.scatter(x, y) return
[docs]def plot_plates(m, dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, lon360: bool = False, boundtypes: list = ['ridge', 'transform', 'trench'],**kwargs): """Plots different types of tectonic plates on to a map object Parameters ---------- m An instance of `mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional path specified by user where hotspots.json is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the file from the AVNI server, by default None lon360 : bool, optional False if the no longitude above 180 is permitted and is wrapped around, by default False boundtypes : list, optional Types of boundaries to plot, by default ['ridge', 'transform', 'trench'] **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- m Updated instance of `mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the correct path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = os.path.join(tools.get_filedir(),constants.dbsfolder) # Earlier was in pickle format, cross-platform compatibility required json # ridge,ridgeloc=pickle.load(open('%s/ridge.pkl' % (dbs_path),'rb')) # tools.writejson(np.array([ridge,ridgeloc.tolist()]),'%s/ridge.json' % (dbs_path)) for bound in boundtypes: #name, segs = pickle.load(open('%s/%s.pkl' % (dbs_path,bound), 'rb')) try: _ , segs = tools.readjson('%s/%s.json' % (dbs_path,bound)) except IOError: #Download to default directory success = False _,success = data.update_file('%s.json' % (bound), subdirectory=constants.dbsfolder) if not success: ValueError("Could not find file "+bound+'.json') _ , segs = tools.readjson('%s/%s.json' % (dbs_path,bound)) segs=np.array(segs) ind_nan, = np.nonzero(np.isnan(segs[:,0])) segs[ind_nan,0] = 0 segs[ind_nan,1] = 0 if lon360: segs[:,0] = (segs[:,0] + 360) % 360.0 x, y = m(segs[:,0], segs[:,1]) x[ind_nan] = np.nan y[ind_nan] = np.nan dx = np.abs(x[1:] - x[:-1]) ind_jump, = np.nonzero(dx > 1000000) x[ind_jump] = np.nan if kwargs: m.plot(x, y, '-', **kwargs) else: m.plot(x, y, '-') return
[docs]def globalmap(ax, valarray: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray], vmin: tp.Union[float,int],vmax: tp.Union[float,int], dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, colorlabel: tp.Union[None,str] = None, colorticks: bool = True, ticklabels: tp.Union[None,list,np.ndarray] = None, colorpalette: str = 'avni', colorcontour=21, hotspots: bool = False, grid: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] = [30.,90.], gridwidth: int = 0, shading: bool = False, model: tp.Union[None,str] = None, resolution: str = 'l', field: str = 'z', **kwargs): """Plots a 2-D cross-section of a 3D model on a predefined axis Parameters ---------- ax Axis handle number valarray : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] a named numpy array containing latitudes (lat), longitudes (lon) and values (val). Can be initialized from three numpy arrays lat, lon and val $ data = np.vstack((lat,lon,val)).transpose() $ dt = {'names':['latitude', 'longitude', 'value'], 'formats':[float, float, float]} $ valarray = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=dt) $ valarray['latitude'] = data[:,0]; valarray['longitude'] = data[:,1]; valarray['value'] = data[:,2] vmin,vmax : tp.Union[float,int] Minimum and maximum value of the color scale dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. colorlabel : tp.Union[None,str], optional Label to use for the colorbar. If None, no colorbar is plotted, by default None colorticks : bool, optional Label and draw the ticks in the colorbar, by default True ticklabels : tp.Union[None,list,np.ndarray], optional Labels for ticks on the colorbar, by default None colorpalette : str, optional Matplotlib color scales or the AVNI one, by default 'avni' colorcontour : int, optional Number of contours for colors in the plot. Maximum is 520 and odd values are preferred so that mid value is at white/yellow or other neutral colors, by default 21 hotspots : bool, optional Plot hotspots, by default False grid : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray], optional Grid spacing in latitude and longitude, by default [30.,90.] gridwidth : int, optional Width of the grid lines, by default 0 shading : bool, optional Shade the plot based on topography, by default False model : tp.Union[None,str], optional Name of the topography file in NETCDF4 format, by default None so use :py:func:`constants.topography` resolution : str, optional Resolution of boundary database to use in Basemap. Can be c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full), by default 'l' field : str, optional Field name in the NETCDF4 file to use, by default 'z' **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- m Updated instance of :py:func:`mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the default path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_filedir() if model is None: model = constants.topography # defaults parallels = np.arange(-90.,90.,grid[0]) meridians = np.arange(-180.,180.,grid[1]) # set up map from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap if kwargs: m = Basemap(ax=ax, **kwargs) else: projection='robin' m = Basemap(ax=ax,projection='robin', lon_0=150, resolution=resolution) #clip_path = m.drawmapboundary() m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=1.5) # draw parallels and meridians. # label parallels on right and top # meridians on bottom and left # labels = [left,right,top,bottom] if not(m.projection == 'hammer' and gridwidth == 0): m.drawparallels(parallels,labels=[True,False,False,False],linewidth=gridwidth) m.drawmeridians(meridians,labels=[False,False,False,True],linewidth=gridwidth) # Get the color map cpalette = initializecolor(colorpalette) # define the 10 bins and normalize if isinstance(colorcontour,np.ndarray) or isinstance(colorcontour,list): # A list of boundaries for color bar if isinstance(colorcontour,list): bounds = np.array(colorcontour) else: bounds = colorcontour bounds = bounds[np.where(bounds < vmax)] bounds = np.append(bounds,np.ceil(vmax)) mytks = np.append(bounds[bounds.nonzero()],np.ceil(vmax)) spacing='uniform' elif isinstance(colorcontour,(int, float)): # Number of intervals for color bar bounds = np.linspace(vmin,vmax,colorcontour+1) mytks = np.arange(vmin,vmax+(vmax-vmin)/4.,(vmax-vmin)/4.) #mytkslabel = [str(a) for a in mytks] spacing='proportional' else: raise ValueError("Undefined colorcontour in globalmap; should be a numpy array, list or integer") if np.all(ticklabels!=None): mytks=np.array(ticklabels) # modify to custom ticks norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(bounds,cpalette.N) ################################################################# # perform the analysis based on expanded nparray or xarray if type(valarray).__name__ == 'ndarray': # plot the model for ii in np.arange(len(valarray['longitude'])): if valarray['longitude'][ii] > 180.: valarray['longitude'][ii]=valarray['longitude'][ii]-360. #numlon=len(np.unique(valarray['lon'])) #numlat=len(np.unique(valarray['lat'])) # grid spacing assuming a even grid # Get the unique lat and lon spacing, avoiding repeated lat/lon spacing_lat = np.ediff1d(np.sort(valarray['latitude'])) spacing_lat = np.unique(spacing_lat[spacing_lat != 0]) spacing_lon = np.ediff1d(np.sort(valarray['longitude'])) spacing_lon = np.unique(spacing_lon[spacing_lon != 0]) # Check if an unique grid spacing exists for both lat and lon if len(spacing_lon)!=1 or len(spacing_lat)!=1 or np.any(spacing_lat!=spacing_lon): print("Warning: spacing for latitude and longitude should be the same. Using nearest neighbor interpolation") # compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid. #x, y = m(valarray['lon'], valarray['lat']) rlatlon = np.vstack([np.ones(len(valarray['longitude'])),valarray['latitude'],valarray['longitude']]).transpose() xyz = mapping.spher2cart(rlatlon) # Create a grid grid_spacing = 1. lat = np.arange(-90.+grid_spacing/2.,90.+grid_spacing/2.,grid_spacing) lon = np.arange(-180.+grid_spacing/2.,180.+grid_spacing/2.,grid_spacing) lons,lats=np.meshgrid(lon,lat) # evaluate in cartesian rlatlon = np.vstack([np.ones_like(lons.flatten()),lats.flatten(),lons.flatten()]).transpose() xyz_new = mapping.spher2cart(rlatlon) # grid the data. val = spint.griddata(xyz, valarray['value'], xyz_new, method='nearest').reshape(lons.shape) #s = m.transform_scalar(val,lon,lat, 1000, 500) #im = m.imshow(s,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) #im = m.contourf(lons, lats,val, norm=norm,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,latlon=True,extend='both',levels=bounds) X = lons; Y = lats else: grid_spacing = spacing_lat # Create a grid lat = np.arange(-90.+grid_spacing/2.,90.+grid_spacing/2.,grid_spacing) lon = np.arange(-180.+grid_spacing/2.,180.+grid_spacing/2.,grid_spacing) X,Y=np.meshgrid(lon,lat) val = np.empty_like(X) val[:] = np.nan; for i in range(0, valarray['latitude'].size): # Get the indices try: # if unique values exist ilon = np.where(X[0,:]==valarray['longitude'][i])[0][0] ilat = np.where(Y[:,0]==valarray['latitude'][i])[0][0] except IndexError: # take nearest points if unique lat/lon not available # This is a case when converting pix to epix. array = np.asarray(X[0,:]) ilon = (np.abs(array - valarray['longitude'][i])).argmin() array = np.asarray(Y[:,0]) ilat = (np.abs(array - valarray['latitude'][i])).argmin() val[ilat,ilon] = valarray['value'][i] #s = m.transform_scalar(val,lon,lat, 1000, 500) #im=m.pcolormesh(grid_x,grid_y,s,,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) #im = m.contourf(X, Y,val, norm=norm,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,latlon=True,extend='both',levels=bounds) #im = m.imshow(s,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) elif type(valarray).__name__ == 'DataArray': if valarray.dims[0] == 'longitude': valarray = valarray.T val = X,Y = np.meshgrid(valarray['longitude'].data,valarray['latitude'].data) else: raise ValueError(type(valarray).__name__+' input type cannot be plotted by globalmap') # plot based on shading option if shading: im = m.contourf(X, Y,val, norm=norm,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,latlon=True,extend='both',levels=bounds,zorder=1) # Illuminate the scene from the northwest ls = LightSource(azdeg=315, altdeg=45) plot = tools.readtopography(model=model,resolution=resolution,field=field,latitude_limits=[m.latmin,m.latmax],longitude_limits=[m.lonmin,m.lonmax]) #-- Optional dx and dy for accurate vertical exaggeration ---------------- # If you need topographically accurate vertical exaggeration, or you don't # want to guess at what *vert_exag* should be, you'll need to specify the # cellsize of the grid (i.e. the *dx* and *dy* parameters). Otherwise, any # *vert_exag* value you specify will be relative to the grid spacing of # your input data (in other words, *dx* and *dy* default to 1.0, and # *vert_exag* is calculated relative to those parameters). Similarly, *dx* # and *dy* are assumed to be in the same units as your input z-values. # Therefore, we'll need to convert the given dx and dy from decimal degrees # to meters. dy = constants.deg2m.magnitude * np.mean(np.ediff1d( dx = constants.deg2m.magnitude * np.mean(np.ediff1d( data = ls.hillshade(, vert_exag=1000, dx=dx, dy=dy) data_interp= m.transform_scalar(data,,, plot.shape[1], plot.shape[0]) m.imshow(data_interp, cmap='gray',interpolation='bilinear', alpha=.4,zorder=2) else: im = m.contourf(X, Y,val, norm=norm,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,latlon=True,extend='both',levels=bounds) # add plates and hotspots dbs_path=tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path) plot_plates(m, dbs_path=dbs_path, color='w', linewidth=1.5) m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=1.5) if hotspots: plot_hotspots(m, dbs_path=dbs_path, s=30, color='m', edgecolor='k') # Add a colorbar if colorlabel is not None: # cb = plt.colorbar(im,orientation='vertical',fraction=0.05,pad=0.05) # cb.set_label(colorlabel) # Set colorbar, aspect ratio cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, alpha=0.05, aspect=12, shrink=0.5,norm=norm, spacing=spacing, ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds,extendrect= False) #cbar = m.colorbar(im, ax=ax,location='right',pad="2%", size='3%', norm=norm, spacing=spacing, ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds,extendrect= False) #cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=ax, alpha=0.05, aspect=12, shrink=0.5,norm=norm, spacing=spacing, ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds,extendrect= False) # Colorbar label, customize fontsize and distance to colorbar cbar.solids.set_edgecolor("face") cbar.set_label(colorlabel,rotation=90, labelpad=5) # Remove colorbar container frame # cbar.outline.set_visible(False) # Fontsize for colorbar ticklabels if colorticks: # To change fontsize use updatefont # Customize colorbar tick labels cbar.set_ticks(mytks) mytkslabels = [str(int(a)) if isinstance(a, (int, np.integer)) else str(a) for a in mytks] else: # Remove color bar tick lines, while keeping the tick labels cbarytks = plt.getp(, 'yticklines') plt.setp(cbarytks, visible=False) cbarytks = plt.getp(, 'yticklabels') plt.setp(cbarytks, visible=False) return m
[docs]def backgroundmap(ax, dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, plates: str = 'r',oceans: str = 'w', continents: str = 'darkgray', boundary: str = 'k',**kwargs): """Plots a background map of a 3D model on an axis handle. Parameters ---------- ax Axis handle number dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. plates : str, optional Color of tectonic plates, by default 'r' oceans : str, optional Color of oceans, by default 'w' continents : str, optional Color of continents, by default 'darkgray' boundary : str, optional Color of background around the map, by default 'k' **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- m Updated instance of :py:func:`mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the default path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_filedir() # Get the correct path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = os.path.join(tools.get_filedir(),constants.dbsfolder) # set up map from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap if kwargs: m = Basemap(ax=ax, **kwargs) else: m = Basemap(ax=ax,projection='robin', lat_0=0, lon_0=150, resolution='l') # clip_path = m.drawmapboundary() # draw coastlines. # m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=1.) # draw a boundary around the map, fill the background. # this background will end up being the ocean color, since # the continents will be drawn on top. m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=oceans,color=boundary) # fill continents, set lake color same as ocean color. m.fillcontinents(color=continents,lake_color=oceans) # add plates and hotspots dbs_path=tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path) plot_plates(m, dbs_path=dbs_path, color=plates, linewidth=1.) return m
[docs]def insetgcpathmap(ax, lat1: tp.Union[int,float], lon1: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float], gcdelta: tp.Union[int,float], projection: str = 'ortho', width: float = 50.,height: float = 50., dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, numdegticks: int = 7, hotspots: bool = False): """Plots the great-circle path based on azimuth and delta from initial location. Takes width/heght arguments in degrees if projection is Mercator, etc. Parameters ---------- ax Axis handle number lat1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location latitude lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to final location gcdelta : tp.Union[int,float] Distance in degrees to final location projection : str, optional Map projection, by default 'ortho' width : float, optional Width of the inset map, by default 50. height : float, optional Height of the inset map, by default 50. dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. numdegticks : int, optional Number of ticks along great-circle path, by default 7 hotspots : bool, optional Plot hotspots, by default False Returns ------- m Updated instance of :py:func:`mpl_toolkits.basemap` Class :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the default path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_filedir() # Get the correct path if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = os.path.join(tools.get_filedir(),constants.dbsfolder) # Calculate intermediate points lat2,lon2=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude) if numdegticks != 0 : interval=gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude/(numdegticks-1) # interval in km coords=np.array(mapping.getIntermediate(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude,interval)) # Center lat lon based on azimuth if gcdelta > 350.: lat_0,lon_0=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth-90.,90.*constants.deg2m) elif gcdelta >= 180. and gcdelta <= 350.: lat_0,lon_0=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,90.*constants.deg2m) else: lat_0,lon_0=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta/2.*constants.deg2m) # Choose what to do based on projection if projection=='ortho': if gcdelta == 360.: boundary = 'w' else: boundary = 'k' m=backgroundmap(ax,tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path),projection=projection, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, resolution='l',boundary=boundary) else: # center left lat/lon, then left crnr latcenleft,loncenleft=mapping.getDestination(lat_0,lon_0,-90.,width*constants.deg2m/2.) llcrnrlat,llcrnrlon=mapping.getDestination(latcenleft,loncenleft,180.,height*constants.deg2m/2.) # center right lat/lon, then left crnr latcenright,loncenright=mapping.getDestination(lat_0,lon_0,90.,width*constants.deg2m/2.) urcrnrlat,urcrnrlon=mapping.getDestination(latcenright,loncenright,0.,height*constants.deg2m/2.) m=backgroundmap(ax,tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path),projection=projection, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, resolution='l',llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat) # draw parallels and meridians. # label parallels on right and top # meridians on bottom and left parallels = np.arange(-90,91,10.) # labels = [left,right,top,bottom] m.drawparallels(parallels,labels=[1,0,0,0]) meridians = np.arange(0.,361.,20.) m.drawmeridians(meridians,labels=[0,0,0,1]) if hotspots: plot_hotspots(m, dbs_path=tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path), s=30, color='lightgreen', edgecolor='k') if numdegticks != 0 : if gcdelta > 350.: dotsstart_x,dotsstart_y=m(coords[0:1][:,1],coords[0:1][:,0]) m.scatter(dotsstart_x,dotsstart_y,s=50,zorder=10,facecolor='orange',edgecolor='k') dotsstart_x,dotsstart_y=m(coords[1:2][:,1],coords[1:2][:,0]) dots_x,dots_y=m(coords[2:-1][:,1],coords[2:-1][:,0]) m.scatter(dots_x,dots_y,s=50,zorder=10,facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') m.scatter(dotsstart_x,dotsstart_y,s=50,zorder=10,facecolor='m',edgecolor='k') #dotsall_x,dotsall_y=m(coords[:,1],coords[:,0]) if gcdelta < 180.: m.drawgreatcircle(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2,color='k',linewidth=3.) elif gcdelta == 180.: latextent1,lonextent1=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,1.*constants.deg2m) latextent2,lonextent2=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,178.*constants.deg2m) # latextent2,lonextent2=mapping.getDestination(lat_0,lon_0,180.+azimuth,89.*constants.deg2m) lonextent,latextent=m([lonextent1,lonextent2],[latextent1,latextent2]) m.plot(lonextent,latextent,color='k',linewidth=3.) return m
[docs]def setup_axes(fig, rect, theta: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray], radius: tp.Union[list,np.ndarray], numdegticks: int = 7, r_locs: list = [3480.,3871.,4371.,4871.,5371.,5871.,6346.6], r_labels: list = ['CMB',' ','2000',' ','1000',' ','Moho'], fontsize: int = 12): """Setup the polar axis for a section plot Parameters ---------- fig A figure hand from :py:func:`plt.figure` rect A 3-digit number for axis on a plot. Obtained as axis handle from :py:func:`gridspec.GridSpec` instance. $gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) $rect = gs[1] theta : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] Range of degrees to plot radius : tp.Union[list,np.ndarray] Range of radius to plot numdegticks : int, optional Number of ticks along great-circle path, by default 7 r_locs : list, optional Radius locations to plot as curves, by default [3480.,3871.,4371.,4871.,5371.,5871.,6346.6] r_labels : list, optional Labels for the radius locations, by default ['CMB',' ','2000',' ','1000',' ','Moho'] fontsize : int, optional Tick font size, by default 12 Returns ------- ax1, aux_ax Axis and auxillary axis where the polar axis plot has been made :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # PolarAxes.PolarTransform takes radian. However, we want our coordinate # system in degree tr = Affine2D().scale(np.pi/180., 1.) + PolarAxes.PolarTransform() # Find grid values appropriate for the coordinate (degree). # The argument is an approximate number of grids. # theta_grid_locator = angle_helper.LocatorD(numdegticks) # Stopped using this as is not needed for the plots. Also gives error with some # matplotlib versions #theta_grid_locator=FixedLocator(np.arange(theta[0], theta[1], numdegticks)) # And also use an appropriate formatter: #theta_tick_formatter = angle_helper.FormatterDMS() # set up number of ticks for the r-axis # r_grid_locator = MaxNLocator(7) r_grid_locator=FixedLocator(r_locs) # Plot the radius ticks r_ticks = {loc : label for loc, label in zip(r_locs, r_labels)} r_tick_formatter = DictFormatter(r_ticks) # the extremes are passed to the function grid_helper = floating_axes.GridHelperCurveLinear(tr, extremes=(theta[0], theta[1], radius[0], radius[1]), grid_locator2=r_grid_locator, tick_formatter2=r_tick_formatter #grid_locator1=theta_grid_locator, #tick_formatter1=theta_tick_formatter ) ax1 = floating_axes.FloatingSubplot(fig, rect, grid_helper=grid_helper) fig.add_subplot(ax1) if theta[1]-theta[0]>350.: ax1.axis["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax1.axis["top"].set_visible(False) ax1.axis["left"].set_visible(False) ax1.axis["right"].set_visible(False) elif theta[1]-theta[0]>90. and theta[1]-theta[0]<=180. : # Make ticks on outside ax1.axis["left"].set_axis_direction("top") ax1.axis["right"].set_axis_direction("bottom") # Make ticks invisible on top and bottom axes ax1.axis["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax1.axis["top"].set_visible(False) ax1.axis["left"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False) ax1.axis["right"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False) else: # adjust axis # the axis artist lets you call axis with # "bottom", "top", "left", "right" # Make ticks on outside ax1.axis["left"].set_axis_direction("top") ax1.axis["right"].set_axis_direction("top") # Make ticks invisible on top and bottom axes ax1.axis["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax1.axis["top"].set_visible(False) # ax1.axis["top"].set_axis_direction("bottom") # ax1.axis["top"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False) # ax1.axis["top"].major_ticklabels.set_axis_direction("top") # ax1.axis["top"].label.set_axis_direction("top") # ax1.axis["left"].toggle(ticklabels=False, label=False) ax1.axis["right"].toggle(ticklabels=True, label=True) ax1.axis["right"].label.set_axis_direction("bottom") ax1.axis["right"].major_ticklabels.set_axis_direction("bottom") ax1.axis["right"].major_ticklabels.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax1.axis["right"].label.set_text("Depth (km)") ax1.axis["right"].label.set_fontsize(fontsize) # ax1.axis["top"].label.set_text(ur"$\alpha$ [\u00b0]") # create a parasite axes aux_ax = ax1.get_aux_axes(tr) aux_ax.patch = ax1.patch # for aux_ax to have a clip path as in ax ax1.patch.zorder=0.9 # but this has a side effect that the patch is # drawn twice, and possibly over some other # artists. So, we decrease the zorder a bit to # prevent this. # plot the degree increments at 6371 km, always on top (large zorder) degticks=np.linspace(theta[0],theta[1],numdegticks) if theta[1]-theta[0]>350.: degticks0=degticks[0:1] #color first tick in orange aux_ax.scatter(degticks0,6346.6*np.ones(len(degticks0)),s=50,clip_on=False,zorder=10,facecolor='orange',edgecolor='k') degticksstart=degticks[1:2] #color second tick in magenta degticks=degticks[2:-1] # do not not plot the first and last 2 ticks else: degticksstart=degticks[1:2] #color second tick in magenta degticks=degticks[2:-1] # do not not plot the first and last 2 ticks aux_ax.scatter(degticks,6346.6*np.ones(len(degticks)),s=50,clip_on=False,zorder=10,facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') aux_ax.scatter(degticksstart,6346.6*np.ones(len(degticksstart)),s=50,clip_on=False,zorder=10,facecolor='m',edgecolor='k') # 410 and 650 theta_arr = np.linspace(theta[0],theta[1]) disc_arr=[5961.,5721.] for disc in disc_arr: aux_ax.plot(theta_arr, disc*np.ones(len(theta_arr)),linestyle='dashed',color = 'lightgrey',linewidth=1.2,zorder=10) # Surface ICB CMB # disc_arr=[6371.,3480.,1215.] disc_arr=[6346.6,3480.] for disc in disc_arr: aux_ax.plot(theta_arr, disc*np.ones(len(theta_arr)), 'k', linewidth=1,zorder=9) return ax1, aux_ax
[docs]def gettopotransect(lat1: tp.Union[int,float], lon1: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float], gcdelta: tp.Union[int,float], model: tp.Union[None,str] = None, tree = None, dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, numeval: int = 50, resolution: str = 'l',nearest: int = 1): """Get the topography transect based on azimuth and delta from initial location. Parameters ---------- lat1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location latitude lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to final location gcdelta : tp.Union[int,float] Distance in degrees to final location model : tp.Union[None,str], optional Name of the topography file in NETCDF4 format, by default None so :py:func:`constants.topography` tree A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` read from an earlier run, by default None dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. numeval : int, optional Number of evaluations of topo/bathymetry along the transect, by default 50 resolution : str, optional Resolution of boundary database to use in Basemap. Can be c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full), by default 'l' nearest : int, optional Number of nearest values in the KD-tree to interpolated from, by default 1 so nearest Returns ------- valselect,model,tree Values along selected transect, topography model values, and a :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ #read topography file if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path) if model is None: model = constants.topography # Get KD tree if tree == None and isinstance(model,string_types): treefile = dbs_path+'/'+'.'.join(model.split('.')[:-1])+'.KDTree.'+resolution+'.pkl' ncfile = dbs_path+'/'+model if not os.path.isfile(ncfile): data.update_file(model,subdirectory=constants.topofolder) tree = tools.ncfile2tree3D(ncfile,treefile,lonlatdepth = ['lon','lat',None],resolution=resolution,'km').magnitude) #read values model = tools.readtopography(model=model,resolution=resolution,field = 'z', dbs_path=dbs_path) vals ='C') else: #read topography file try: vals ='C') except: raise ValueError('model in gettopotransect not a string or xarray') #find destination point lat2,lng2=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude) interval=gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude/(numeval-1) # interval in m coords=np.array(mapping.getIntermediate(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude,interval)) #query tree for topography evalpoints=np.column_stack(('km').magnitude*np.ones_like(coords[:,1]),coords[:,0],coords[:,1])) # get the interpolation valselect,_ = tools.querytree3D(tree,evalpoints[:,1],evalpoints[:,2],evalpoints[:,0],vals,nearest=nearest) #print 'THE SHAPE OF qpts_rlatlon is', qpts_rlatlon.shape return valselect,model,tree
[docs]def plottopotransect(ax, theta_range: np.ndarray, elev, vexaggerate: int = 150): """Plot a topographic transect on an axis Parameters ---------- ax Axis handle number theta_range : np.ndarray Range of angles elev : _type_ Elevation from topgraphy file, usually in :py:func:`sparse.csc_matrix` format. vexaggerate : int, optional Vertical exxageration to make the plot visible, by default 150 Returns ------- ax Axis handle where the plot has been made :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ elevplot1=elev.toarray().ravel() elevplot2=elev.toarray().ravel() # Blue for areas below sea level if elev.min()<0.:'km').magnitude-elev.min()/1000.*vexaggerate elevplot2[elevplot2>0.]=0. ax.fill_between(theta_range, lowerlimit*np.ones(len(theta_range)),lowerlimit*np.ones(len(theta_range))+elevplot2/1000.*vexaggerate,facecolor='aqua', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(theta_range,lowerlimit*np.ones(len(theta_range))+elevplot2/1000.*vexaggerate,'k',linewidth=0.5) else:'km').magnitude # Grey for areas above sea level elevplot1[elevplot1<0.]=0. ax.fill_between(theta_range, lowerlimit*np.ones(len(theta_range)), lowerlimit*np.ones(len(theta_range))+elevplot1/1000.*vexaggerate, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(theta_range,lowerlimit*np.ones(len(theta_range))+elevplot1/1000.*vexaggerate,'k',linewidth=0.5) # title(phase, fontsize=20,loc='left') return ax
[docs]def getmodeltransect(lat1: tp.Union[int,float], lon1: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float], gcdelta: tp.Union[int,float], model: str = 'S362ANI+M.BOX25km_PIX1X1.avni.nc4', tree = None, parameter: str = 'vs', radii: list = [3480.,6346.6], dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, numevalx: int = 200, numevalz: int = 200, distnearthreshold: float = 500., nearest: int = 10): """Get the tomography slice from a AVNI NETCDF4 file Parameters ---------- lat1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location latitude lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to final location gcdelta : tp.Union[int,float] Distance in degrees to final location model : str, optional Name of the tomographic model file in NETCDF4 format, by default 'S362ANI+M.BOX25km_PIX1X1.avni.nc4' tree A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` read from an earlier run, by default None parameter : str, optional Physical parameter field in the NETCDF4 file, by default 'vs' radii : list, optional Range of radius to plot on the slice, by default [3480.,6346.6] dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. numevalx : int, optional Number of model evaluations along the horizontal direction, by default 200 numevalz : int, optional Number of model evaluations along the vertical direction, by default 200 distnearthreshold : float, optional Threshold points that are up to a distance away [NOT IMPLEMENTED], by default 500. nearest : int, optional Number of nearest values in the KD-tree to interpolated from, by default 10 so averages nearest 10 points Returns ------- xsec,model,tree Values along selected section, toography model values, and a :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ #defaults if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_filedir() #get full path dbs_path=tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path) # Get KD tree if tree == None and isinstance(model,string_types): ncfile = dbs_path+'/'+model if not os.path.isfile(ncfile): print('... Downloading Earth model '+model+' from AVNI servers') data.update_file(model) print('... Download completed.') #read values if os.path.isfile(ncfile): ds = xr.open_dataset(ncfile) else: raise ValueError("Error: Could not find file "+ncfile) treefile = dbs_path+'/'+constants.planetpreferred+'.'+ds.attrs['kerstr']+'.KDTree.3D.pkl' tree = tools.ncfile2tree3D(ncfile,treefile,lonlatdepth = ['longitude','latitude','depth']) model = ds.variables[parameter] ds.close() #close netcdf file vals ='C') else: #read topography file try: vals ='C') except: raise ValueError('model in gettopotransect not a string or xarray') #lat2,lng2=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude) interval=gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude/(numevalx-1) # interval in km radevalarr=np.linspace(radii[0],radii[1],numevalz) #radius arr in km coords=np.array(mapping.getIntermediate(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude,interval)) if(len(coords) != numevalx): raise ValueError("Error: The number of intermediate points is not accurate. Decrease it?") evalpoints=np.column_stack((radevalarr[0]*np.ones_like(coords[:,1]),coords[:,0],coords[:,1])) for radius in radevalarr[1:]: pointstemp = np.column_stack((radius*np.ones_like(coords[:,1]),coords[:,0],coords[:,1])) evalpoints = np.row_stack((evalpoints,pointstemp)) # get the interpolation npts_surf = len(coords) tomovals,_ = tools.querytree3D(tree,evalpoints[:,1],evalpoints[:,2],evalpoints[:,0],vals,nearest=nearest) xsec = tomovals.reshape(npts_surf,len(radevalarr),order='F') return xsec.T,model,tree
[docs]def section(fig, lat1: tp.Union[int,float], lon1: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float], gcdelta: tp.Union[int,float], model: str, parameter: str, vmin: tp.Union[float,int], vmax: tp.Union[float,int], dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, modeltree = None , colorlabel: tp.Union[None,str] = None, colorpalette: str = 'avni', colorcontour: int = 20, nelevinter : int = 100, radii: list = [3480.,6346.6],vexaggerate: int = 50, width_ratios: list = [1,3], numevalx: int = 200, numevalz: int = 300, nearest: int = 10, topo: tp.Union[None,str] = None, resolution: str = 'l', topotree = None, hotspots: bool = False, xsec_data = None): """Plot one section across a pair of points based on azimuth and delta from initial location. Parameters ---------- fig A figure hand from :py:func:`plt.figure` lat1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location latitude lon1 : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to final location gcdelta : tp.Union[int,float] Distance in degrees to final location model : str Name of the tomographic model file in NETCDF4 format e.g. 'S362ANI+M.BOX25km_PIX1X1.avni.nc4' parameter : str Physical parameter field in the NETCDF4 file, by default 'vs' vmin,vmax : tp.Union[float,int] Minimum and maximum value of the color scale dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. modeltree, optional A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` of tomograhic model read from an earlier run, by default None colorlabel : tp.Union[None,str], optional Label to use for the colorbar. If None, no colorbar is plotted, by default None colorpalette : str, optional Matplotlib color scales or the AVNI one, by default 'avni' colorcontour : int, optional Number of contours for colors in the plot. Maximum is 520 and odd values are preferred so that mid value is at white/yellow or other neutral colors, by default 20 nelevinter : int, optional Number of evaluations of topo/bathymetry along the transect, by default 100 radii : list, optional Range of radius to plot on the slice, by default [3480.,6346.6] vexaggerate : int, optional Vertical exxageration to make the plot visible, by default 50 width_ratios : list, optional Width ratios of the great circle and section subplots, by default [1,3] numevalx : int, optional Number of model evaluations along the horizontal direction, by default 200 numevalz : int, optional Number of model evaluations along the vertical direction, by default 300 nearest : int, optional Number of nearest values in the KD-tree to interpolated from, by default 10 so averages nearest 10 points topo : tp.Union[None,str], optional Name of the topography file in NETCDF4 format, by default None so :py:func:`constants.topography` resolution : str, optional Resolution of boundary database to use in Basemap. Can be c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full), by default 'l' topotree : _type_, optional A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` of topography read from an earlier run, by default None hotspots : bool, optional Plot hotspots on top of the plot [NOT IMPLEMENTED], by default False xsec_data, optional Interpolated data along a section found from an earlier run, by default None Returns ------- fig,topo,topotree,model,modeltree Figure handle, topography values, tomographic model values and the corresponding :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ #defaults if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_filedir() if topo is None: topo = constants.topography #get full path dbs_path=tools.get_fullpath(dbs_path) # only sample the data if it's not here. if xsec_data is None: interp_values,model,modeltree = getmodeltransect(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,model=model,tree=modeltree,parameter=parameter,radii=radii,dbs_path=dbs_path,numevalx=numevalx,numevalz=numevalz,nearest=nearest) else: interp_values = xsec_data numevalx = interp_values.shape[0] numevalz = interp_values.shape[1] model = None modeltree = None if vmin is None: vmin = interp_values.min() if vmax is None: vmax = interp_values.max() # Specify theta such that it is symmetric #lat2,lng2=mapping.getDestination(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta*constants.deg2m.magnitude) if gcdelta==180.: theta=[0.,gcdelta] elif gcdelta==360.: # if the start point in (0,0), ortho plot decides orientation based on quadrant if lat1==0 and lon1==0: if azimuth < 0.: azimuth = 360. + azimuth if azimuth < 90 or azimuth == 360.: quadrant = 0 elif azimuth >= 90 and azimuth < 180.: quadrant = 1 elif azimuth >= 180 and azimuth < 270.: quadrant = 2 elif azimuth >= 270 and azimuth < 360.: quadrant = 3 delta = quadrant*90. else: intersection,antipode = mapping.intersection([lat1,lon1],azimuth,[0.,0.],90.) # shift the plot by the distance between equator and antipode # This shift is needed to sync with the inset figure in ortho projection delta_i,_,_ = mapping.get_distaz(lat1,lon1,intersection[0],intersection[1]) delta_a,_,_ = mapping.get_distaz(lat1,lon1,antipode[0],antipode[1]) # ortho projection usually takes the nearest point as the rightmost point delta = min(delta_i,delta_a) theta=[delta,gcdelta+delta] else: theta=[90.-gcdelta/2.,90.+gcdelta/2.] theta_range=np.linspace(theta[0],theta[1],nelevinter) # default is not to extend radius unless vexaggerate!=0 extend_radius=0. if vexaggerate != 0: elev,topo,topotree=gettopotransect(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,model=topo,tree=topotree, dbs_path=dbs_path,numeval=nelevinter,resolution=resolution,nearest=1) # hot fix: some combinations of gcdelta, lat,lon result in elev array being # 1 element shorter. Not sure why. if theta_range.size - elev.size == 1: theta_range = theta_range[:-1] if elev.min()< 0.: extend_radius=(elev.max()-elev.min())*vexaggerate/1000. else: extend_radius=elev.max()*vexaggerate/1000. # Start plotting if gcdelta < 360.0: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=width_ratios,figure=fig) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, left=0.05, right=0.95) ax=fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) elif gcdelta == 360.0: #ax=fig.add_axes([0.268,0.307,0.375,0.375]) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1,figure=fig) #ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax=fig.add_axes([0.307,0.29,0.41,0.41]) ax.set_aspect('equal') else: raise ValueError("gcdelta > 360.0") #fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') ####### Inset map if gcdelta == 360.: # do not plot ticks on a 360 degree plot,so numdegticks=0. But do so for main plot insetgcpathmap(ax,lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,projection='ortho',dbs_path=dbs_path,numdegticks=0) numdegticks=13 else: if gcdelta > 270.: numdegticks=13 insetgcpathmap(ax,lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,projection='ortho',dbs_path=dbs_path,numdegticks=numdegticks) elif gcdelta >= 30. and gcdelta <=270: numdegticks=7 insetgcpathmap(ax,lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,projection='ortho',dbs_path=dbs_path,numdegticks=numdegticks) else: numdegticks=7 width=gcdelta*1.4 height=gcdelta*1.4 insetgcpathmap(ax,lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,projection='aea',dbs_path=dbs_path,width=width,height=height,numdegticks=numdegticks) ###### Actual cross-section if gcdelta < 360.0: ax1, aux_ax1 = setup_axes(fig, gs[1], theta, radius=[3480., 6371.+extend_radius],numdegticks=numdegticks) elif gcdelta == 360.0: ax1, aux_ax1 = setup_axes(fig, gs[0], theta, radius=[3480., 6371.+extend_radius],numdegticks=numdegticks) ax1.set_aspect('equal') aux_ax1.set_aspect('equal') #ax1, aux_ax1 = setup_axes(fig, fig.add_axes([0,1,0,1]), theta, radius=[3480., 6371.+extend_radius],numdegticks=numdegticks) # plot hotspots if within a distance threshold #if hotspots: if vexaggerate != 0: aux_ax1=plottopotransect(aux_ax1,theta_range,elev,vexaggerate=vexaggerate) # Plot the model section # grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[theta[0]:theta[1]:200j,3480.:6346.6:200j] #grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(theta[0],theta[1],n3dmodelinter),np.linspace(radii[0],radii[1],n3dmodelinter)) grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(theta[0],theta[1],numevalx),np.linspace(radii[0],radii[1],numevalz)) #zoom = 10 #grid_x_zoom, grid_y_zoom = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(theta[0],theta[1],numevalx*zoom),np.linspace(radii[0],radii[1],numevalz*zoom)) # Get the color map cpalette = initializecolor(colorpalette) # interp_values,model,modeltree = getmodeltransect(lat1,lon1,azimuth,gcdelta,model=model,tree=modeltree,parameter=parameter,radii=radii,dbs_path=dbs_path,numevalx=numevalx,numevalz=numevalz,nearest=nearest) # define the 10 bins and normalize bounds = np.linspace(vmin,vmax,colorcontour+1) norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(bounds,cpalette.N) # conversion to numpy arrays to work with pcolormesh if isinstance(interp_values,xr.DataArray): interp_values = interp_values.toarray() if issparse(interp_values): interp_values = interp_values.todense() im=aux_ax1.pcolormesh(grid_x,grid_y,interp_values,, norm=norm) # add a colorbar #levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=colorcontour).tick_values(interp_values.min(), interp_values.max()) #dx = (theta[1]-theta[0])/(numevalx-1); dy = (radii[1]-radii[0])/(numevalz-1) # tried controurf below but did not make things better than pcolormesh # xy = mapping.polar2cart(np.vstack([grid_y.flatten(),grid_x.flatten()]).T) # xy_zoom = mapping.polar2cart(np.vstack([grid_y_zoom.flatten(),grid_x_zoom.flatten()]).T) # # grid_x_plot = xy_zoom[:,1].reshape(grid_x_zoom.shape) # grid_y_plot = xy_zoom[:,0].reshape(grid_y_zoom.shape) # interp_zoom = spint.griddata(xy,interp_values.flatten(),(grid_y_plot, grid_x_plot), method='cubic') # im = aux_ax1.contourf(grid_x_zoom, # grid_y_zoom, interp_zoom, levels=bounds, #,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # if colorlabel is not None: # cb = plt.colorbar(im,orientation='vertical',fraction=0.05,pad=0.05) # cb.set_label(colorlabel) # Set colorbar, aspect ratio if gcdelta == 360.0: cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.75, 0.3, 0.015, 0.4]) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, alpha=0.05, aspect=12, shrink=0.4,norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds,extendrect=True,cax=cbaxes) else: cbar = plt.colorbar(im, alpha=0.05, aspect=12, shrink=0.4,norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds,extendrect=True) cbar.solids.set_edgecolor('face') # Remove colorbar container frame # cbar.outline.set_visible(False) # Fontsize for colorbar ticklabels # Customize colorbar tick labels mytks = np.arange(vmin,vmax+(vmax-vmin)/4.,(vmax-vmin)/4.) cbar.set_ticks(mytks)[str(a) for a in mytks]) # Colorbar label, customize fontsize and distance to colorbar cbar.set_label(colorlabel,rotation=90, fontsize=14, labelpad=5) # Remove color bar tick lines, while keeping the tick labels # cbarytks = plt.getp(, 'yticklines') # plt.setp(cbarytks, visible=False) return fig,topo,topotree,model,modeltree
[docs]def plot1section(latitude: tp.Union[int,float], longitude: tp.Union[int,float], azimuth: tp.Union[int,float], gcdelta: tp.Union[int,float], model: str, parameter: str, vmin: tp.Union[float,int], vmax: tp.Union[float,int], figuresize: tp.Union[list, np.ndarray] = [8,4], outfile: str = None,**kwargs): """Plot one section across a pair of points based on azimuth and delta from initial location.. Parameters ---------- latitude : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location latitude longitude : tp.Union[int,float] Initial location longitude azimuth : tp.Union[int,float] Azimuth to final location gcdelta : tp.Union[int,float] Distance in degrees to final location model : str Name of the tomographic model file in NETCDF4 format e.g. 'S362ANI+M.BOX25km_PIX1X1.avni.nc4' parameter : str Physical parameter field in the NETCDF4 file, by default 'vs' vmin,vmax : tp.Union[float,int] Minimum and maximum value of the color scale figuresize : tp.Union[list, np.ndarray], optional Figure size, by default [8,4] outfile : str, optional Output file to use in :py:func:`fig.savefig`, by default None **kwargs : dict Optional arguments for Basemap Returns ------- topo,topotree,model,modeltree Topography values, tomographic model values and the corresponding :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figuresize[0],figuresize[1])) if kwargs: fig,topo,topotree,model,modeltree = section(fig,latitude,longitude,azimuth,gcdelta,model,parameter,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,**kwargs) else: fig,topo,topotree,model,modeltree = section(fig,latitude,longitude,azimuth,gcdelta,model,parameter,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) if outfile is not None: fig.savefig(outfile,dpi=300) else: plt.close('all') return topo,topotree,model,modeltree
[docs]def plot1globalmap(epixarr: np.ndarray, vmin: tp.Union[float,int], vmax: tp.Union[float,int], dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, colorpalette: str = 'rainbow2', projection: str = 'robin', colorlabel: str = "Anomaly (%)", lat_0: tp.Union[int,float] = 0,lon_0: tp.Union[int,float] = 150, outfile: str = None, shading: bool = False): """Plot one global map Parameters ---------- epixarr : np.ndarray Array containing (`latitude`, `longitude`, `pixel_size`, `value`) vmin,vmax : tp.Union[float,int] Minimum and maximum value of the color scale dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. colorpalette : str, optional Matplotlib color scales or the AVNI one, by default 'rainbow2' projection : str, optional Map projection, by default 'robin' colorlabel : str, optional Label to use for the colorbar. If None, no colorbar is plotted, by default "Anomaly (%)" lat_0 : tp.Union[int,float], optional Center latitude for the plot, by default 0 lon_0 : tp.Union[int,float], optional Center longitude for the plot, by default 150 outfile : str, optional Output file to use in :py:func:`fig.savefig`, by default None shading : bool, optional Shade the plot based on topography, by default False """ #defaults if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_fullpath(tools.get_filedir()) fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) if projection=='ortho': globalmap(ax,epixarr,vmin,vmax,dbs_path,colorlabel,grid=[30.,30.],gridwidth=1,projection=projection,lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0,colorpalette=colorpalette,shading=shading) else: globalmap(ax,epixarr,vmin,vmax,dbs_path,colorlabel,grid=[30.,90.],gridwidth=0,projection=projection,lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0,colorpalette=colorpalette,shading=shading) if outfile==None: else: fig.savefig(outfile,dpi=300) return
[docs]def plot1hitmap(hitfile: str, dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, projection: str = 'robin', lat_0: tp.Union[int,float] = 0,lon_0: tp.Union[int,float] = 150, colorcontour: list = [0,25,100,250,400,600,800,1000,1500,2500,\ 5000,7500,10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000], colorpalette: str = 'Blues', outformat: str = '.pdf',ifshow: bool = True): """Plot one hit count map Parameters ---------- hitfile : str A file containg named columns - "latitude", "longitude", "value" dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. projection : str, optional Map projection, by default 'robin' lat_0 : tp.Union[int,float], optional Center latitude for the plot, by default 0 lon_0 : tp.Union[int,float], optional Center longitude for the plot, by default 150 colorcontour : list, optional Number of contours for colors in the plot, by default [0,25,100,250,400,600,800,1000,1500,2500,5000,7500,10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000] colorpalette : str, optional Matplotlib color scales or the AVNI one, by default 'Blues' outformat : str, optional Output file format, by default '.pdf' ifshow : bool, optional Display the plot before writing a file, by default True """ #defaults if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_fullpath(tools.get_filedir()) fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) header_list = ["latitude", "longitude", "value"] hit_array = np.genfromtxt(hitfile,names=header_list,delimiter=None) grids = np.delete(np.unique(np.ediff1d(hit_array['latitude'])),[0]) if len(grids) != 1: raise ValueError('len(grids) != 1') grid_spacing=grids[0] maxhit=max(hit_array['value']) colorcontour=np.array(colorcontour) idx = (np.abs(colorcontour - maxhit)).argmin() # find nearest index to upper centile colorcontour = colorcontour[:idx+1] if maxhit > 1500: maxlog10 = int(np.log10(maxhit)) ticklabels=np.logspace(0,maxlog10,maxlog10+1).astype(int) colorcontour=np.logspace(0,maxlog10,2*maxlog10+1).astype(int) remaining=np.logspace(maxlog10,np.log10(maxhit),3).astype(int)[1:] colorcontour = np.concatenate((colorcontour,remaining)) ticklabels = np.append(ticklabels,int(maxhit)) maxhit=int(maxhit) #hit_array['val']=np.log10(hit_array['val']) if isinstance(grid_spacing, (int, np.integer)): grid_spacing=int(grid_spacing) colorlabel="# "+"$Rays$"+" "+"$(%s$"%grid_spacing+"$^\circ bins)$" if projection=='ortho': globalmap(ax,hit_array,0.,int(maxhit),dbs_path,ticklabels=ticklabels,colorlabel=colorlabel,colorcontour=colorcontour,grid=[30.,30.],gridwidth=1,projection=projection,lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0,colorpalette=colorpalette) else: globalmap(ax,hit_array,0.,int(maxhit),dbs_path,ticklabels=ticklabels,colorlabel=colorlabel,colorcontour=colorcontour,grid=[30.,90.],gridwidth=0,projection=projection,lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0,colorpalette=colorpalette) ax.set_title(hitfile) if ifshow: fig.savefig(hitfile+outformat,dpi=300) return
[docs]def plotreference1d(ref1d, figuresize: list = [7,12], height_ratios: list = [2, 2, 1], ifshow: bool = True, format: str = '.eps', isotropic: bool = False, zoomdepth: list = [0.,1000.]): """Plot the ref1d object array in a PREM like plot Parameters ---------- ref1d An instance of the :py:class:`Reference1D` class. figuresize : list, optional Figure size, by default [7,12] height_ratios : list, optional Height ratios of the three subplots, by default [2, 2, 1] ifshow : bool, optional Display the plot before writing a file, by default True format : str, optional Output file format, by default '.eps' isotropic : bool, optional Whether model is isotropic so seperate curves for Vsh and Vsv, by default False zoomdepth : list, optional Zoom into a depth extent in km, by default [0.,1000.] """ # extract values depthkmarr = (['radius'])'km').values.quantity.magnitude rho =['rho']'g/cm^3').values.quantity.magnitude vs =['vs']'km/s').values.quantity.magnitude vp =['vp']'km/s').values.quantity.magnitude vsv =['vsv']'km/s').values.quantity.magnitude vsh =['vsh']'km/s').values.quantity.magnitude vpv =['vpv']'km/s').values.quantity.magnitude vph =['vph']'km/s').values.quantity.magnitude eta =['eta'].values.quantity.magnitude qmu =['qmu'].values.quantity.magnitude #Set default fontsize for plots updatefont(10) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(figuresize[0],figuresize[1])) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=height_ratios) fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax01=plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax01.plot(depthkmarr,rho,'k') ax01.plot(depthkmarr,vsv,'b') ax01.plot(depthkmarr,vsh,'b:') ax01.plot(depthkmarr,vpv,'r') ax01.plot(depthkmarr,vph,'r:') mantle=np.where( depthkmarr < 2891.) ax01.plot(depthkmarr[mantle],eta[mantle],'g') ax01.set_xlim([0.,'km').magnitude]) ax01.set_ylim([0, 14]) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(2) majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1) ax01.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax01.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) # for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax01.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(2000) majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1000) ax01.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax01.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) # for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax01.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax01.set_ylabel('Velocity (km/sec), density (g/cm'+'$^3$'+') or '+'$\eta$') for para,color,xloc,yloc in [("$\eta$",'g',1500.,2.),("$V_S$",'b',1500.,7.8),("$V_P$",'r',1500.,13.5),("$\\rho$",'k',1500.,4.5),("$V_P$",'r',4000.,9.2),("$\\rho$",'k',4000.,12.5),("$V_S$",'b',5500.,4.5)]: ax01.annotate(para,color=color, xy=(3, 1), xycoords='data', xytext=(xloc/'km').magnitude, yloc/14.), textcoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax11=plt.subplot(gs[1]) depthselect=np.intersect1d(np.where( depthkmarr >= zoomdepth[0]),np.where( depthkmarr <= zoomdepth[1])) ax11.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],rho[depthselect],'k') if isotropic: ax11.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],vs[depthselect],'b') else: ax11.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],vsv[depthselect],'b') ax11.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],vsh[depthselect],'b:') ax12 = ax11.twinx() if isotropic: ax12.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],vp[depthselect],'r') else: ax12.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],vpv[depthselect],'r') ax12.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],vph[depthselect],'r:') ax11.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],eta[depthselect],'g') ax11.set_xlim(zoomdepth) ax11.set_ylim([0, 7]) ax12.set_xlim(zoomdepth) ax12.set_ylim([-2, 12]) ax11.set_ylabel('Shear velocity (km/sec), density (g/cm'+'$^3$'+') or '+'$\eta$') ax12.set_ylabel('Compressional velocity (km/sec)') for para,color,xloc,yloc in [("$\eta$",'g',150.,1.),("$V_{S}$",'b',150.,4.3),("$V_{P}$",'r',120.,5.5),("$\\rho$",'k',150.,3.8)]: ax11.annotate(para,color=color, xy=(3, 1), xycoords='data', xytext=(xloc/1000., yloc/7.), textcoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax12.set_yticks(np.arange(6, 14, step=2)) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(200) majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') minorLocator = MultipleLocator(100) ax11.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax11.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) # for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax11.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax21=plt.subplot(gs[2], sharex=ax11) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # Ignore warning about dividing by zero anisoVs=(vsh-vsv)*200./(vsh+vsv) anisoVp=(vph-vpv)*200./(vph+vpv) ax21.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],anisoVs[depthselect],'b') ax21.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],anisoVp[depthselect],'r') ax21.set_ylim([0, 5]) ax21.set_xlim(zoomdepth) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(1) majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') minorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.5) ax21.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax21.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) # for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax21.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) for para,color,xloc,yloc in [('Q'+'$_{\mu}$','k',400.,2.5),("$a_{S}$",'b',150.,3.7),("$a_{P}$",'r',100.,1.8)]: ax21.annotate(para,color=color, xy=(3, 1), xycoords='data', xytext=(xloc/1000., yloc/4.), textcoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') ax22 = ax21.twinx() ax22.plot(depthkmarr[depthselect],qmu[depthselect],'k') ax21.set_xlabel('Depth (km)') ax21.set_ylabel("$V_P$"+' or '+"$V_S$"+' anisotropy (%)') ax22.set_ylabel('Shear attenuation Q'+'$_{\mu}$') ax22.set_ylim([0, 400]) ax22.set_xlim(zoomdepth) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(100) majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') minorLocator = MultipleLocator(50) ax22.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax22.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) # for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax22.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) if ifshow: else: plt.savefig(
[docs]def plotmodel3d(model3d, dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None, x: int = 0, percent_or_km: str = '%', colormin: tp.Union[int,float] = -6.,colormax: tp.Union[int,float] = 6., depth: tp.Union[None,list,np.ndarray] = None, resolution: int = 0,realization: int = 0): """Plots interactively a model slice of a variable at a given depth till an invalid depth is input by the user Parameters ---------- model3d An instance of the :py:class:`Model3D` class. dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Path specified by user where database containing hotpot locations, coastlines is located. If not found, defaults to downloading the files from the AVNI server, by default None so uses :py:func:`tools.get_filedir()`. x : int, optional Index for variable to plot, by default 0 percent_or_km : str, optional Plot in percent (relative) or km/s (absolute) [NOT IMPLEMENTED], by default '%' colormin, colormax : tp.Union[int,float], optional Minimum and maximum value of the color scale, by default -6 and 6. depth : tp.Union[None,list,np.ndarray], optional Depth to plot, by default None resolution : int, optional Resolution index in the :py:class:`Model3D` instance, by default 0 realization : int, optional Realization index in the :py:class:`Model3D` instance, by default 0 """ #defaults if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = tools.get_fullpath(tools.get_filedir()) if not isinstance(resolution, int): raise TypeError('resolution must be an integer, not %s' % type(resolution)) if not isinstance(realization, int): raise TypeError('realization must be an integer, not %s' % type(realization)) typehpar = model3d.metadata['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['typehpar'] if len(typehpar) != 1 or typehpar[0] != 'PIXELS': raise ValueError('Slices can only be made for pixel paramterization') # Select appropriate arrays from projection matrix, read from file lat = model3d.metadata['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['xlapix'][0] lon = model3d.metadata['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['xlopix'][0] refstrarr = model3d.metadata['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['varstr'] # select models based on parameter and depth desired new_figure='y' # flag for done while (new_figure =='y' or new_figure == 'Y'): plt.ion() fig=plt.figure() try: subplotstr = input("Provide rows and colums of subplots - default is 1 1:") subploty,subplotx = int(subplotstr.split()[0]),int(subplotstr.split()[1]) except (ValueError,IndexError,SyntaxError,EOFError): subploty = 1; subplotx=1 flag=0 # flag for depth while (flag < subploty*subplotx): flag=flag+1 ifplot =True try: for ii in np.arange(len(refstrarr)): print(ii,refstrarr[ii]) try: x = int(input("Select variable to plot - default is 0:")) except (ValueError,EOFError): x = x if 'topo' in refstrarr[x]: #find the radial kernels for this paramter kerfind = np.where(model3d.metadata['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['ivarkern']==x+1)[0] if len(kerfind) == 1: modelarray =['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['realization_'+str(realization)]['coef'].iloc[kerfind[0]] else: flag=flag-1 ifplot =False else: # get the depths available for this parameter deptharr = model3d.getpixeldepths(resolution,refstrarr[x]) #depth differences and get depth extents depdiff = np.ediff1d(deptharr) deptop = np.copy(deptharr) depbottom = np.copy(deptharr) for ii in range(len(depdiff)-2): deptop[ii] = deptop[ii] - (2.*depdiff[ii]-depdiff[ii+1])/2. depbottom[ii] = depbottom[ii] + (2.*depdiff[ii]-depdiff[ii+1])/2. for ii in range(len(depdiff),len(depdiff)-3,-1): deptop[ii] = deptop[ii] - (2.*depdiff[ii-1]-depdiff[ii-2])/2. depbottom[ii] = depbottom[ii]+ (2.*depdiff[ii-1]-depdiff[ii-2])/2. try: depth = float(input("Select depth - select any value for topography ["+str(round(min(deptop),2))+"-"+str(round(max(depbottom),2))+"] :")) except (ValueError,EOFError): if depth is None: depth = min(deptharr) else: depth = depth if depth < min(deptop) or depth > max(depbottom): flag=flag-1 ifplot =False else: #find the radial kernels for this paramter kerfind = np.where(model3d.metadata['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['ivarkern']==x+1)[0] #evaluate at all points ind = np.where(np.logical_and(depth>deptop, depth<=depbottom))[0][0] modelarray =['resolution_'+str(resolution)]['realization_'+str(realization)]['coef'].iloc[kerfind[ind]] if ifplot: # Get limits for colorbar try: colorstr = input("Input two values for minimum and maximum values of colorbar - default is "+str(colormin)+" "+str(colormax)+":") colormin,colormax = float(colorstr.split()[0]),float(colorstr.split()[1]) except (ValueError,IndexError,EOFError): colormin = colormin; colormax=colormax # Plot the model test = np.vstack((lat,lon,modelarray)).transpose() dt = {'names':['lat', 'lon', 'val'], 'formats':[float, float, float]} plotmodel = np.zeros(len(test), dtype=dt) plotmodel['lat'] = test[:,0]; plotmodel['lon'] = test[:,1]; plotmodel['val'] = test[:,2] ax=fig.add_subplot(subploty,subplotx,flag) globalmap(ax,plotmodel,colormin,colormax,dbs_path=dbs_path, colorlabel='Anomaly', grid=[30.,90.],gridwidth=0,projection='robin',lat_0=0, lon_0=150., colorpalette='avni',colorcontour=21) ax.set_title(refstrarr[x]+' at '+str(depth)+' km.' if 'Topo' not in refstrarr[x] and 'topo' not in refstrarr[x] else refstrarr[x]) fig.canvas.draw() except SyntaxError: flag=flag-1 try: new_figure = input("Another figure? y/n:") except (EOFError): new_figure = 'n' return