Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

#####################  IMPORT STANDARD MODULES   #########################

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
if (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
    from builtins import float,int

import os
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import pickle
import warnings
import math
from scipy import sparse
import typing as tp
#from mpl_toolkits.basemap import shiftgrid

####################### IMPORT AVNI LIBRARIES  ###########################

from .trigd import sind
from ..mapping import spher2cart
from .. import constants
from .common import precision_and_scale,convert2nparray
from import get_filedir
from import common


[docs]def xarray_to_epix(data: tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset], latname: str = 'latitude', lonname: str = 'longitude') -> np.ndarray: """Convert multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray to extended pixel (.epix) format Parameters ---------- data : tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset] Multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats latname : str, optional Name to use for latitude column in named numpy array, by default 'latitude' lonname : str, optional Name to use for longitude column in named numpy array, by default 'longitude' Returns ------- np.ndarray Array containing (`latitude`, `longitude`, `pixel_size`, `value`) :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # check if it is a compatible xarray _,pix,_ = checkxarray(data,latname, lonname) if data.dims[0] == latname: values = nlat = data.shape[0]; nlon = data.shape[1] else: values = nlat = data.shape[1]; nlon = data.shape[0] lons = np.repeat(data[lonname].data,nlat) lats = np.tile(data[latname].data,nlon) pixsize = pix*np.ones_like(lons) epixarr = np.vstack((lats,lons,pixsize,values)).T dt = {'names':[latname, lonname,'pixel_size','value'], 'formats':[float, float,float,float]} epixarr = np.zeros(len(lats),dtype=dt) epixarr[latname] = lats epixarr[lonname] = lons epixarr['pixel_size'] = pixsize epixarr['value'] = values return epixarr
[docs]def epix_to_xarray(epixarr: np.ndarray, latname: str = 'latitude', lonname: str = 'longitude') -> xr.DataArray: """Convert extended pixel (.epix) to multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray format Parameters ---------- epixarr : np.ndarray Array containing (`latitude`, `longitude`, `pixel_size`, `value`) latname : str, optional Name to use for latitude column in named numpy array, by default 'latitude' lonname : str, optional Name to use for longitude column in named numpy array, by default 'longitude' Returns ------- xr.DataArray Multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ lonspace = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(np.ediff1d(np.sort(epixarr[lonname]))),[0.]) latspace = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(np.ediff1d(np.sort(epixarr[latname]))),[0.]) if not(len(lonspace) == len(lonspace) == 1): raise AssertionError('not(len(lonspace) == len(lonspace) == 1)') spacing = lonspace[0] latitude = np.arange(-90.+spacing/2.,90.,spacing) longitude = np.arange(0.+spacing/2.,360.,spacing) outarr = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude))), dims=[latname, lonname], coords={latname:latitude,lonname:longitude}) for ii, lat in enumerate(epixarr[latname]): lon = epixarr[lonname][ii] val = epixarr['value'][ii] if spacing != epixarr['pixel_size'][ii]: raise ValueError('spacing != epixarr[pixel_size]') outarr.loc[dict(latitude=lat,longitude=lon)] = val return outarr
[docs]def tree3D(treefile: str, latitude: tp.Union[None,list,tuple,np.ndarray] = None, longitude: tp.Union[None,list,tuple,np.ndarray] = None, radius_in_km: tp.Union[None,list,tuple,np.ndarray] = None): """Build a KD-tree at specific locations Parameters ---------- treefile : str Name of the file where tree is (or will be) stored latitude : tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Latitudes of locations queried, by default None longitude : tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Longitudes of locations queried, by default None radius_in_km : tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Radii of locations queried, by default None Returns ------- tree A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ #Build the tree if none is provided build_tree = False if os.path.isfile(treefile): print('... Reading KDtree file '+treefile) try: tree = pickle.load(open(treefile,'rb')) except: build_tree = True else: build_tree = True if build_tree: print('... KDtree file '+treefile+' not found for interpolations. Building it') if np.any(latitude == None) or np.any(longitude == None) or np.any(radius_in_km == None): raise IOError('latitude, longitude and radius_in_km are required') latitude = convert2nparray(latitude) longitude = convert2nparray(longitude) radius_in_km = convert2nparray(radius_in_km) rlatlon = np.column_stack((radius_in_km.flatten(),latitude.flatten(), longitude.flatten())) xyz = spher2cart(rlatlon) tree = cKDTree(xyz) pickle.dump(tree,open(treefile,'wb')) return tree
[docs]def querytree3D(tree, latitude: tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], longitude: tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], radius_in_km: tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], values: tp.Union[None,sparse.csc_matrix,sparse.csr_matrix,list,tuple,np.ndarray] = None, nearest: int = 1): """Query a KD-tree for values at specific locations Parameters ---------- tree A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` latitude : tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Latitudes of locations queried, by default None longitude : tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Longitudes of locations queried, by default None radius_in_km : tp.Union[list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Radii of locations queried, by default None values : tp.Union[None,sparse.csc_matrix,sparse.csr_matrix,list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Values at each KD-tree point, by default None nearest : int, optional Number of nearest values in the KD-tree to interpolated from, by default 1 so nearest Returns ------- inds or interp, inds indices of the nearest points in te KD-tree and the interporlated value (if values is not None) :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # checks latitude = convert2nparray(latitude) longitude = convert2nparray(longitude) radius_in_km = convert2nparray(radius_in_km) if not(len(latitude)==len(latitude)==len(radius_in_km)): raise AssertionError('latitude, longitude and radius need to be of same size') evalpoints = np.column_stack((radius_in_km.flatten(),latitude.flatten(), longitude.flatten())) coordstack = spher2cart(evalpoints) dist,inds = tree.query(coordstack,k=nearest) if np.any(values==None): return inds else: # convert to csc_matrix if not isinstance(values,sparse.csc_matrix): if isinstance(values,sparse.csr_matrix): values = values.tocsc() else: # do not allow strings as values values = convert2nparray(values,int2float = True,allowstrings=False) if values.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('only 1 dimenional values allowed') values = sparse.csc_matrix(values).transpose().tocsc() # find values if nearest == 1: interp = values[inds] else: weights = 1.0 / dist**2 rows = ((np.arange(inds.shape[0])*np.ones_like(inds).T).T).ravel() cols = inds.ravel() weighted = values[cols].reshape(inds.shape,order='C').multiply(weights) weighted_sum = np.asarray(weighted.sum(axis=1)) weights_sum = weights.sum(axis=1).reshape(weighted_sum.shape) val_temp = np.divide(weighted_sum,weights_sum,out=np.zeros_like(weights_sum), where=weights_sum!=0) interp = sparse.csc_matrix(val_temp) return interp,inds
[docs]def get_stride(resolution: str) -> int: """Get the stride to use for various resolution of plotting. This dictates downsampling before interpolation. Parameters ---------- resolution : str Resolution of boundary database to use in Basemap. Can be c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full) Returns ------- int stride to use for resolution :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if resolution.lower() == 'c' or resolution.lower() == 'crude': stride = 20 elif resolution.lower() == 'l' or resolution.lower() == 'low': stride = 10 elif resolution.lower() == 'i' or resolution.lower() == 'intermediate': stride = 5 elif resolution.lower() == 'h' or resolution.lower() == 'high': stride = 2 elif resolution.lower() == 'f' or resolution.lower() == 'full': stride = 1 else: raise KeyError('resolution can only be low, medium, high') return stride
[docs]def ncfile2tree3D(ncfile: str,treefile: str, lonlatdepth: list = ['longitude','latitude','depth'], resolution: str = 'h', radius_in_km: tp.Union[None,list,tuple,np.ndarray] = None): """Read or write a pickle interpolant with KD-tree Parameters ---------- ncfile : str Name of the topography file in NETCDF4 format treefile : str Name of the file where tree is (or will be) stored lonlatdepth : list, optional A list of variable names of the longitude, latitude, depth (in km) arrays, by default ['longitude','latitude','depth'] resolution : str, optional Dictates downsampling before interpolation, by default 'h' radius_in_km : tp.Union[None,list,tuple,np.ndarray], optional Radius in kilometer when a 2D surface. Ignores the 3rd field in `lonlatdepth`, by default None Returns ------- tree A :py:func:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ #read topography file stride = get_stride(resolution) if os.path.isfile(ncfile): f = xr.open_dataset(ncfile) else: raise ValueError("Error: Could not find file "+ncfile) if stride != None: lon = f.variables[lonlatdepth[0]][::stride] lat = f.variables[lonlatdepth[1]][::stride] else: lon = f.variables[lonlatdepth[0]] lat = f.variables[lonlatdepth[1]] if radius_in_km == None: if stride != None: dep = f.variables[lonlatdepth[2]][::stride] else: dep = f.variables[lonlatdepth[2]] rad ='km').magnitude - dep else: rad = xr.IndexVariable('rad',[radius_in_km]) f.close() #close netcdf file # get the tree gridlat, gridrad, gridlon = np.meshgrid(,, tree = tree3D(treefile,gridlat,gridlon,gridrad) return tree
[docs]def readtopography(model: tp.Union[None,str] = None, resolution: str = 'h', field: str = 'z', latitude: str = 'lat', longitude: str = 'lon', latitude_limits: list = [-90,90], longitude_limits: list = [-180,180], dbs_path: tp.Union[None,str] = None): """Read standard topography file in NETCDF4 format specified in :py:func:`constants` Parameters ---------- model : str, optional Name of the topography file in NETCDF4 format, by default :py:func:`constants.topography` resolution : str, optional Dictates downsampling before interpolation, by default 'h' field : str, optional Field name in the NETCDF4 file to use, by default 'z' latitude : str, optional Name to use for latitude column in named numpy array, by default 'lat' longitude : str, optional Name to use for longitude column in named numpy array, by default 'lon' latitude_limits : list, optional Limit for restricting the domain for reading topography, by default [-90,90] longitude_limits : list, optional Limit for restricting the domain for reading topography, by default [-180,180] dbs_path : tp.Union[None,str], optional Database path to the folder contianing topography file, by default None so takes the value in :py:func:`constants.topofolder` Returns ------- xr.Dataset Multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # Get the directory location where CPT files are kep if dbs_path is None: dbs_path = get_filedir(subdirectory=constants.topofolder) if model is None: model = constants.topography # Download file if possible ncfile = os.path.join(dbs_path,model) if not os.path.isfile(ncfile): success = False _,success = common.update_file(model,subdirectory=constants.topofolder) if not success: ValueError("Could not find file "+model) f = xr.open_dataset(ncfile) # Get the stride based on requested resolution stride = get_stride(resolution) model = f[field][::stride,::stride] # subselect region within -not implemented yet #shift it by the grid # valout, lonout = shiftgrid(longitude_limits[0],,model['lon'].data,start=True) # lonout[np.where(lonout>180)] =lonout[lonout>180]-360. # model[longitude].data = lonout # = valout model = model.sortby('lon') # required for transform_scalar f.close() #close netcdf file return model
[docs]def checkxarray(data: tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset], latname: str = 'latitude', lonname: str = 'longitude', Dataset = True) -> tp.Tuple[list,float,tuple]: """Checks whether the data input is a DataArray and the coordinates are compatible Parameters ---------- data : tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset] Multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats latname : str, optional Name to use for latitude column in named numpy array, by default 'latitude' lonname : str, optional Name to use for longitude column in named numpy array, by default 'longitude' Dataset : bool, optional Allow Dataset or not, by default True Returns ------- tp.Tuple[list,float,tuple] First element is a list of error warnings while performing checks Second element is size of the uniform pixel. Third element is a tuple containing the shape of the grid :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ if not isinstance(data, (xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset)): raise ValueError("date must be an xarray DataArray or Dataset") if not Dataset and isinstance(data, xr.Dataset): raise ValueError("date must be an xarray Dataset if True") pix_lat = np.unique(np.ediff1d(np.sort(data.coords[latname].values))) pix_lon = np.unique(np.ediff1d(np.sort(data.coords[lonname].values))) if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray) : shape = data.shape if isinstance(data, xr.Dataset) : shape = tuple(data.dims[d] for d in [latname, lonname]) # checks ierror = [] if len(pix_lat)==len(pix_lon)==1: if not pix_lat.item()==pix_lon.item(): warnings.warn('same pixel size in both lat and lon in xarray') # check number of poxels pix_width = pix_lat.item() if not math.isclose(180 % pix_width,0): ierror.append(1) warnings.warn ('pixel width should be ideally be a factor of 180') nlat = int(180./pix_width); nlon = int(360./pix_width) if nlat*nlon != shape[0]*shape[1]: ierror.append(2) warnings.warn('number of pixels expected for '+str(pix_width)+'X'+str(pix_width)+' is '+str(nlat*nlon)+', not '+str(data.size)+' as specified in the data array.') else: warnings.warn('multiple pixel sizes have been found for xarray'+str(pix_lat)+str(pix_lon)+'. Choosing the first value '+str(pix_lat[0])) ierror.append(3) pix_width = pix_lat[0] return ierror,pix_width,shape
[docs]def areaxarray(data: tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset], latname: str = 'latitude', lonname: str = 'longitude', pix_width: tp.Union[None,np.ndarray] = None) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate area for multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats Parameters ---------- data : tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset] Multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats latname : str, optional Name to use for latitude column, by default 'latitude' lonname : str, optional Name to use for longitude column, by default 'longitude' pix_width : tp.Union[None,np.ndarray], optional Width of pixels if not the default derived from data, by default None so is derived Returns ------- xr.DataArray A DataArray object with area of each pixel :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # check if it is a compatible dataarray ierror,pix,shape = checkxarray(data,latname, lonname) if pix_width is not None: if pix_width.shape != shape: raise AssertionError('pix_width.shape != shape') uniq_pix = np.unique(pix_width) # if the pix_width array has only one value and that # is consistent with the one derived from data if len(uniq_pix) == 1 and uniq_pix[0] == pix: pix_width = None # now fill the areas area = {} areaarray = np.zeros(shape) # find the index of the latitude lat_index = np.argwhere(np.array(data.dims)==latname)[0].item() if lat_index != 0: # transpose to (lat,lon) for caculations data = data.T if pix_width is not None: pix_width = pix_width.T # now calculate area for irow in range(len(data.coords[latname])): xlat = data.coords[latname][irow].item() # if no px width array is provided if pix_width is None: dlat = dlon = pix ifind = int((90.0-0.5*dlat-xlat)/dlat) if ifind not in area.keys(): nlon = int(360./pix) area[ifind] = 2.*np.pi*(sind(xlat+0.5*dlat)-sind(xlat-0.5*dlat))/float(nlon) areaarray[ifind,:]=area[ifind] else: for icol in range(len(pix_width[lonname])): nlon = int(360./pix_width[irow,icol]) dlat = dlon = pix_width[irow,icol].item() areaarray[irow,icol] = 2.*np.pi*(sind(xlat+0.5*dlat)-sind(xlat-0.5*dlat))/float(nlon) # drop the variables for weights drops = [var for var in data.coords.keys() if var not in [latname,lonname]] area = xr.DataArray(areaarray,name='area',coords=data.drop(drops).coords) # transpose the area array if needed if lat_index != 0: area = area.T return area
[docs]def meanxarray(data: tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset], area: tp.Union[None,xr.DataArray] = None, latname: str = 'latitude', lonname: str = 'longitude', pix_width: tp.Union[None,np.ndarray] = None) -> tp.Tuple[float,xr.DataArray,float]: """Calculate geographically weighted average of a multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats Parameters ---------- data : tp.Union[xr.DataArray,xr.Dataset] Multi-dimensional pixel grid in xarray formats to average over area : tp.Union[None,xr.DataArray], optional Area of each pixel, by default None so calculated on the fly latname : str, optional Name to use for latitude column, by default 'latitude' lonname : str, optional Name to use for longitude column, by default 'longitude' pix_width : tp.Union[None,np.ndarray], optional Width of pixels if not the default derived from data, by default None so is derived Returns ------- tp.Tuple[float,xr.DataArray,float] First element is the global average Second element is a DataArray containing area weights for each pixel Third element is the percentage of global area covered by this basis set :Authors: Raj Moulik ( :Last Modified: 2023.02.16 5.00 """ # check if it is a compatible dataarray ierror,pix,shape = checkxarray(data,latname, lonname) if pix_width is not None: if pix_width.shape != shape: raise AssertionError('pix_width.shape != shape') # take weights # drop the variables for weights drops = [var for var in data.coords.keys() if var not in [latname,lonname]] if area is None: area = areaxarray(data.drop(drops),latname,lonname,pix_width) totarea = np.sum(area.values) percentglobal = np.round(totarea/(4.*np.pi)*100.,3) weighted = area*data # find the precision of data to round the average to max_precision = 0 for val in data.drop(drops).values.flatten(): _ , precision = precision_and_scale(val) if precision > max_precision: max_precision = precision average = np.round(np.sum(weighted.values)/totarea,decimals=max_precision) return average,area,percentglobal