Advanced setup#

Working with Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterLab#

If you like using Jupyter notebooks, you should also update the “base” conda environment to include the nb_conda_kernels package; this will make it easier to use AVNI in Jupyter Notebooks launched from the Anaconda GUI:

$ conda install --name=base nb_conda_kernels

When using AVNI within IPython or a Jupyter notebook, we strongly recommend using the Qt matplotlib backend for fast and correct rendering. On Linux, for example, Qt is the only matplotlib backend for which 3D rendering will work correctly. On macOS, certain matplotlib functions might not work as expected on backends other than Qt. Enabling Qt can be accomplished when starting IPython from a terminal:

$ ipython --matplotlib=qt

or in a Jupyter Notebook, you can use the “magic” command:

In [1]: %matplotlib qt

This will create separate pop-up windows for each figure, and has the advantage that the 3D plots will retain rich interactivity (so, for example, you can click-and-drag to rotate cortical surface activation maps).

If you are creating a static notebook or simply prefer Jupyter’s inline plot display, AVNI will work with the standard “inline” magic:

In [1]: %matplotlib inline

but some functionality will be lost. For example, PyVista scenes will still pop-up a separate window, but only one window at a time is possible, and interactivity within the scene is limited in non-blocking plot calls.


If you are using AVNI on Windows through IPython or Jupyter, you might also have to use the IPython magic command %gui qt (see here). For example:

In [2]: %gui qt

If you installed the nb_conda_kernels package into your base environment (as recommended), you should be able to launch avni-capable notebooks from within the Anaconda Navigator GUI without having to explicitly switch to the avni environment first; look for Python [conda env:avni] when choosing which notebook kernel to use. Otherwise, be sure to activate the avni environment before launching the notebook.

If you use another Python setup and you encounter some difficulties please report them on the AVNI Forum or on the GitHub issues page to get assistance.

Using the development version#

See Upgrading to the development version for how to do a one-time update to the latest development version of AVNI. If you plan to contribute to AVNI, or just prefer to use git rather than pip to make frequent updates, there are instructions for installing from a git clone in the Contributing guide.

Other Python distributions#

While the Anaconda Python distribution provides many conveniences, other distributions of Python should also work with AVNI. In particular, Miniconda is a lightweight alternative to Anaconda that is fully compatible; like Anaconda, Miniconda includes the conda command line tool for installing new packages and managing environments; unlike Anaconda, Miniconda starts off with a minimal set of around 30 packages instead of Anaconda’s hundreds. See the installation instructions for Miniconda for more info. A similar alternative is MiniForge, which uses the conda-forge channel as the default source for package installation (saving you the trouble of typing --channel=conda-forge with each conda install command).


If you have the PYTHONPATH or PYTHONHOME environment variables set, you may run into difficulty using Anaconda. See the Anaconda troubleshooting guide for more information. Note that it is easy to switch between conda-managed Python installations and the system Python installation using the conda activate and conda deactivate commands, so you may find that after adopting Anaconda it is possible (indeed, preferable) to leave PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME permanently unset.

It is also possible to use a system-level installation of Python (version 3.7 or higher) and use pip to install AVNI and its dependencies, using the provided requirements file:

$ curl --remote-name
$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Other configurations will probably also work, but we may be unable to offer support if you encounter difficulties related to your particular Python installation choices.